Maternal death in Indonesia in 2012 was still high that was 359 per 100 thousands live born. Maternal death majority occurred during labor. One of factors was husband late in taking decision. Based on the preliminary study on February 2014 At Independent Practice Midwife Sri Hardi Rahayu Amd.Keb Carang Rejo Village Kesamben District Jombang Regency consisted 10 labor mothers where 6 of them wer…
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is normal and is often regarded as a normal consequence recognized early in pregnancy without great impact it has had on women and their families. The lack of a husband's role in pregnancy will have an impact on the wife, the wife was not getting the attention that would affect the regularity wife in examinations pregnancy . This is because the husband is bu…
Penyebab letak sungsang ada dua, yang pertama berasal dari ibu yaitu rnkeadaan rahim (rahim arkuatus, septum pada rahim, uterus dupleks, mioma bersama rnkehamilan). Kedua berasal dari janin yaitu, tali pusat pendek atau lilitan tali pusat, rnhidrosefalus atau anensefalus, kehamilan kembar, hidramnion dan prematuritas. Tujuan rnpenelitian yaitu melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan komprehens…
Resiko tinggi pada ibu hamil merupakan masalah terutama pada jarak kehamilan terlalu rndekat ( < 2 tahun ). Sejumlah sumber masyarakat menyatakan bahwa jarak ideal rnkehamilan sekurang – kurangnya 2 tahun. Tujuan asuhan kebidanan ini adalah rnmemberikan Asuhan Kebidanan secara Komprehensif pada Ny. “S” dengan resiko tinngi rnjarak kehamilan terlalu dekat di BPM Julaikah Desa Nglele Jo…
HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DENGAN PRILAKU WANITA USIA SUBUR TENTANG DETEKSI DINI KANKER SERVIKS DI DESA CUKIR DUSUN SUMOYONO KECAMATANDIWEK KABUPATEN JOMBANGrnrnTriyani Susetio Dwi R* Inayatul Aini ** Dovi Dwi Mardiyah ***rnrnABSTRAKrnKanker serviks atau yang disebut juga sebagai kanker mulut rahim.Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan pada 10 Wanita di Desa Cukir Dusun Sumoyono didapat 6(60%) mengetahui ten…
Puberty is a relatively short period (ie, two to four years) in which youth experience physical development, including reaching maturity framework (ie, acceleration of growth), the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics (eg, breast and penis growth), and reach capabilities reproduction (Clark, 2008). Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted in SMP 3 JOMBANG the…
Sexually transmitted disease does not only make ashamed and awkward, but also make serious problems in health such as infertility, chronic syphilis, and AIDS. According to a study on April 8, 2014 in Kabuh village, 8 people have sexually transmitted disease while 2 people do not. The aim of this research is to identify the knowledge and attitude of unemployed mothers about sexually transmitted …
When a woman is pregnant, the inconveniences occur as a result of various factors hormonal changes that occur in pregnant women, as for personal hygiene needs is the most important and highly needed for pregnant women, such as: skin care, breast, teeth and gums and vulva-vaginal. However, there are still many pregnant women are lacking in the implementation of personal hygiene behavior, but goo…
Adolescence is a transitional period in one's life. Puberty is also a vulnerable time for rnyoung adolescents were given the turmoil as the emergence of a boost curiosity high due rnto frequent associate and integrate with society today. The role of parents, especially the rnmother's role is crucial in the process of finding self-esteem puberty, provide guidancern…