MINAT LANSIA DALAM KEIKUTSERTAANrnPELAYANAN POSYANDU LANSIArn(Studi di Dusun Beron Desa spanyulrnKecamatan Gudo KabupatenrnJombang)
Low interest received by the elderly led to a lack of interest in the participation of elderly care posyandurnso many elderly are less interest in coming to posyandu elderly. Based on preliminary studies withrninterview techniques in May 2014 in the hamlet Beron, Spanyul Village, District Gudo Jombang, on 18rnelderly found that 12 (66.7%) elderly who often follow posyandu elderly, whereas 6 (33.3%) elderly isrnstill lack of knowledge and interest to participate actively in the program posyandu elderly. The purpose rnof this study to determine interest in the elderly of the neighborhood health center in the village elderlyrnBeron Gudo village Spanyul District of Jombang. rnType of research is descriptive" with a population of 32 elderly people residing in the hamlet village rnBeron Spanyul Jombang District of Gudo. The variables in this study are of interest in the participation of rnelderly care elderly posyandu. Total sample collection sampling techniques. Instrument research using rnquestionnaires. Instrument data processing using Editing
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