02091 2200133 4500245013100000700002100131650001600152650001100168005001900179260004800198041001400246084000900260500168800269 aPERILAKU ADAPTASI PASIEN SETELAH SERANGAN STROKErn(Studi Di Ruang Flamboyan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Jombang)hCD-ROM aYuli Dwi Astutik aKeperawatan aSTROKE a20171017140307 aJombangbSTIKES INSAN CENDEKIA MEDIKAc2014 aIndonesia aNONE aThe adaptation behavior of patients after attack stroke which have not been optimal and rnlack of families member ability in providing handling after stroke will influence on treatments rnfastness after strokepasca. In 2012 the sufferers of stroke were as many as 69625 people. rnThe purpose of this research was to determine the adaptation behavior of patients afte r rnattack stroke in Flamboyan room of Jombang’s hospital.rnThe research design was a descriptive. The population of this research was second rnattack stroke patient in Flamboyan room of Jombang’s hospital. Sample collecting, sampling rnused was Consecutive sampling. The variabels of his research was the adaptation behavior rnof patients after getting stroke. The Instruments of this research was a questionnaire, data rnprocessing by Coding, Scoring, and Tabulating. Data used t-score.rnThe results and discussions was obtained that’s mostly respondents had negative rnbehavior about adaptation behavior after attack stroke, it was showed of 100 % respondents rnobtained 34,4 % had positive behavior and 65,5 % had negative behavior on adaptaion rnbehavior of patients after attack srtoke.rnThe conclusion of this research is that the adaptation behavior of patients after attack rnstroke in flamboyan room of jombang hospital was negative.rnSuggestions for nurse is expected for health workers and health care especially nurse rnwho is in flamboyan room, for STIKes Icme is expected for lecturer and college students rnwish to serve, and for further researchers on adaptation behavior of patients afte r stroke to rnget more optimal result.rnKeywords : Adaptation Behavior Of Patients After Attack Stroke