Beginning for early breastfeeding will reduce 22% of baby’s death aged under 28 day. rnBassed on petition that send by (AIMI) association of Indonesia breatfeeding mother to rnpresident of indonsia , said lack of support family and husband making mother often doesn’t rnhave spirit to breastfeeding her baby,. The purpose or this research to husband’s attitude rnabout (IMD) early breastfeed…
A newborn baby should be given complete basic immunization until the age of 9 months to protect baby's body is still susceptible to the disease. Side effects of immunization are usually small ulcers that will arise will break after 4-6 weeks. And it will cause the mother to feel anxious about the symptoms caused especially to those who first gave birth. rnThis research aim is to know the know…
Bathing a newborn can be done by their own mothers but most mothers would not dare to bathe her baby alone. Based on preliminary studies in the Village Gunungsari Baureno District of Bojonegoro. Retrieved 9 mothers of newborns and only 3 women who want to bathe the baby's own mother asked 6 midwife, parent or midwife. Lack of motivation in bathing the baby's mother was affected by the lack of k…
Maternal death in Indonesia in 2012 was still high that was 359 per 100 thousands live born. Maternal death majority occurred during labor. One of factors was husband late in taking decision. Based on the preliminary study on February 2014 At Independent Practice Midwife Sri Hardi Rahayu Amd.Keb Carang Rejo Village Kesamben District Jombang Regency consisted 10 labor mothers where 6 of them wer…
Rendahnya angka cakupan KB-MKJP salah satunya dikarenakan masih sangat rendahnya tingkat motivasi ibu tentang metode kontrasepsi operasi wanita (MOW). Dikarenakan tidak ada dorongan/keinginan ibu untuk memilih MOW yang menganggap bahwa alat kontrasepsi MOW tidak aman, tidak efektif dan sangat berbahaya pada kesehatan ibu. Tujuan penelitian ini digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi motivasi ibu dalam…
Puerperal period is the most important period for health officer to do monitoring alwaysrnabout urinary and defecation after childbirth. Based on preliminary study on 27 Marchrn2014 in Tanggungan village, Kecamatan Gudo, Kabupaten Jombang got that 15rnpuerperal mothers get problem when want to do urinary and defecation after childbirth.rnFrom 15 persons above got 9 puerperal mothers feel afraid…
Maternal Mortality Rate is one of the important indicators of society health degree. The most frequent complication of postpartum hemorrhage was anemia. It is important to do check for anemia in pregnancy first visit. Checking and monitoring of pregnant mother with anemia were performed at least 2 times during pregnancy, that was trimester I and III. This study aimed to identify pregnant’s mo…
Husband character will be more determine to how mother brave have a certain attitude to determine what mother will give exclusive breast feeding or give food or other drink except breast feeding for their baby. The purpose for this research to know husband interest in support giving exclusive breast feeding at kademangan village mojoagung sub district jombang regency.rnThe design of research is…
Cervical cancer will cause problems on the pain, the patient, the death of the financial andrneconomic environment, the problem of life and problems on the Government. Based on arnpreliminary study in an interview in March, 2014 in Grogol Hamlet Grogol Village DiwekrnSubdistrict Jombang Regency on 10 lush women age, 9 of them say that women do not know aboutrnthe existence of cervical cancer im…