Pendahuluan: Survei di Indonesia melaporkan bahwa 38% ibu berhenti memberikan ASI karena kurangnya produksi ASI. Air susu ibu yang tidak lancar menjadikan ibu merasa cemas dan menghindar untuk menyusui dan berdampak pada kurangnya isapan bayi, hal tersebut mempengaruhi penurunan produksi dan kinerja hormon oksitosin dan prolaktin, bahkan menyebabkan pembendungan dan statis ASI, sehingga ibu mengambil langkah berhenti menyusui. Pijat oksitosin dilakukan untuk membantu ibu merasa tenang dan rileks sehingga produksi ASI meningkat. Tujuan : untuk menganalisis pengaruh oxytocin massage terhadap peningkatan produksi ASI pada ibu post partum. Metode: Literature review ini menggunakan data sekunder dari 15 dengan metode pre eksperimen dan quasi eksperimen, pencarian data di akses melalui database Google Scholar, Science Direct, SCOPUS, PubMed, Garuda dan researchgate dengan studi empiris 5 tahun terakhir, jurnal di ambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pedoman PICOS. Hasil: Kelima belas artikel didapatkan hasil adanya pengaruh peningkatan produksi ASI sebelum dan setelah dilakukan pijat oksitosin. Kesimpulan: Pengaruh oxytocin massage terhadap peningkatan produksi ASI pada ibu postpartum berdasarkan studi empiris 5 tahun terakhir menunjukan bahwa pijat oksitosin yang di berikan secara rutin dan berkala dapat meningkatkan produksi ASI ibu postpartum.
Kata kunci: pijat oksitosin, produksi ASI, ibu postpartum
Introduction: A survey in Indonesia reported that 38% of mothers stopped breastfeeding due to a lack of milk production. Mother's milk that is not smooth makes the mother feel anxious and avoid breastfeeding and has an impact on the lack of baby sucking, this affects the decrease in the production and performance of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin so that milk production decreases, even causes damming and stasis of breast milk, so the mother takes steps to stop breast-feed. Oxytocin massage is done to help mothers feel calm and relaxed so that milk production increases. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of oxytocin massage on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers. Methods: This literature review uses secondary data from 15 with pre-experimental and quasi-experimental methods, data searches are accessed through the Google Scholar, Science Direct, SCOPUS, PubMed, Garuda and research gate databases with empirical studies of the last 5 years, journals taken based on inclusion criteria. and exclusion, in this study using the PICOS guidelines. Result: The result of this literature review is that oxytocin massage has an effect on increasing and smoothing postpartum mother's milk. Conclusion: The effect of oxytocin massage on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers based on empirical studies of the last 5 years shows that oxytocin massage that is given regularly and periodically can increase postpartum mother's milk production.
Keyword: oxytocin massage, milk production, postpartum mother
Kata kunci: pijat oksitosin, produksi ASI, ibu postpartum
Introduction: A survey in Indonesia reported that 38% of mothers stopped breastfeeding due to a lack of milk production. Mother's milk that is not smooth makes the mother feel anxious and avoid breastfeeding and has an impact on the lack of baby sucking, this affects the decrease in the production and performance of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin so that milk production decreases, even causes damming and stasis of breast milk, so the mother takes steps to stop breast-feed. Oxytocin massage is done to help mothers feel calm and relaxed so that milk production increases. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of oxytocin massage on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers. Methods: This literature review uses secondary data from 15 with pre-experimental and quasi-experimental methods, data searches are accessed through the Google Scholar, Science Direct, SCOPUS, PubMed, Garuda and research gate databases with empirical studies of the last 5 years, journals taken based on inclusion criteria. and exclusion, in this study using the PICOS guidelines. Result: The result of this literature review is that oxytocin massage has an effect on increasing and smoothing postpartum mother's milk. Conclusion: The effect of oxytocin massage on increasing breast milk production in postpartum mothers based on empirical studies of the last 5 years shows that oxytocin massage that is given regularly and periodically can increase postpartum mother's milk production.
Keyword: oxytocin massage, milk production, postpartum mother

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Karya ini dilisensikan di bawah Lisensi Internasional Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 .
How to Cite
rahmawati, anita, Suhartini, H., & Oktopriana, M. (2023). PENGARUH OXCYTOCIN MASSAGE TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI ASI PADA IBU POST PARTUM. Jurnal Insan Cendekia, 10(1), 22-32.
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Evayanti, Y., Rosmiyati, & Isnaini, N. (2020). Pijat Oksitoksi Pada Ibu Nifas 0-3 Hari Di RSIA Santa Anna. Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM), 3(2), 357–362.
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Magdalena, Aulia, D., Usraleli, Melly, & Idayanti. (2020). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Produksi ASI Ibu Menyusui di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sidomulyo Rawat Jalan Pekanbaru. Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi, 20(2), 344.
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Mustika Dewi, I., Putri Basuki, P., & Wulandari, A. (2022). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Postpartum. Jurnal Keperawatan, 14(1), 53–60.
Nurainun, E., & Susilowati, E. (2021). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Nifas : Literature Review. Jurnal Kebidanan Khatulistiwa, 7(1), 20–26.
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Triansyah, A., Stang, Indar, Indarty, A., Tahir, M., Sabir, M., Nur, R., Basir-Cyio, M., Mahfudz, Anshary, A., & Rusydi, M. (2021). The effect of oxytocin massage and breast care on the increased production of breast milk of breastfeeding mothers in the working area of the public health center of Lawanga of Poso District. Gaceta Sanitaria, 35, S168–S170.
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Wulandari, P., Kustriyani, M., Aini, K., & Studi Ners STIKES Widya Husada Semarang Jl Subali Raya No, P. (2018). Peningkatan Produksi ASI Ibu Post Partum melalui Tindakan Pijat Oksitosin. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia, 2(1), 33–49.
Apreliasari, H., & Risnawati. (2020). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Peningkatan Produksi ASI. JIKA, 5(1), 48–52.
Azizah, N., & Rosyidah, R. (2019). Buku Ajar Mata Kuliah Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas dan Menyusui. UMSIDA PRESS.
Doko, T. M., Aristiati, K., & Hadisaputro, S. (2019). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin oleh Suami terhadap Peningkatan Produksi Asi pada Ibu Nifas. Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari, 2(2), 66–86.
Evayanti, Y., Rosmiyati, & Isnaini, N. (2020). Pijat Oksitoksi Pada Ibu Nifas 0-3 Hari Di RSIA Santa Anna. Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM), 3(2), 357–362.
Hayati, N., & Rumapea, J. P. (2022). Hubungan Inisiasi Menyusui Dini (IMD) Dengan Kelancaran Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Postpartum Di Posyandu Desa Bangun Sari Baru Tanjung Morawa Tahun 2021.
Kemenkes, RI. (2020). Profil Kesehatan Indonesia. Indofatin.
Magdalena, Aulia, D., Usraleli, Melly, & Idayanti. (2020). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Produksi ASI Ibu Menyusui di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sidomulyo Rawat Jalan Pekanbaru. Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi, 20(2), 344.
Maritalia, D. (2014). Asuhan Kebidanan Nifas dan Menyusui. Pustaka Pelajar.
Marni. (2014). Buku Ajaran Keperawatan Pada Anak Dengan Gangguan Pernafasan. Gosyen Publishing.
Muslimah, A., Laili, F., & Saidah, H. (2020). Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Perawatan Payudara Dan Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Postpartum. Jurnal Mahasiwa Kesehatan, 1(2), 87–94.
Mustika Dewi, I., Putri Basuki, P., & Wulandari, A. (2022). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Postpartum. Jurnal Keperawatan, 14(1), 53–60.
Nurainun, E., & Susilowati, E. (2021). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Nifas : Literature Review. Jurnal Kebidanan Khatulistiwa, 7(1), 20–26.
Proverawati, A., & Rahmawati, E. (2018). Kapita Selekta ASI dan Menyusui. Nuha Medika.
Rahayu, A. (2016). Panduan Pratikum Keperawatan Maternitas. Deepublish.
Sulfianti, Nardina, E. A., Hutabarat, J., Astuti, E. D., Muyassiroh, Y., Yuliani, D. R., Hapsari, W., Azizah, N., Hutomo, C. S., & Argaheni, N. B. (2021). Asuhan Kebidanan Pada Masa Nifas. Yayasan Kita Menulis.
Susanti, D., Windari, A. P., & Niak, I. (2021). Pengaruh Pijat Oksitosin terhadap Produksi ASI(Air Susu Ibu) pada Ibu Post Partum di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Namlea Kabupaten Buru. 2-TRIK: Tunas-Tunas Riset Kesehatan, 11(2), 84–86.
Triansyah, A., Stang, Indar, Indarty, A., Tahir, M., Sabir, M., Nur, R., Basir-Cyio, M., Mahfudz, Anshary, A., & Rusydi, M. (2021). The effect of oxytocin massage and breast care on the increased production of breast milk of breastfeeding mothers in the working area of the public health center of Lawanga of Poso District. Gaceta Sanitaria, 35, S168–S170.
Vivian, D. (2018). Asuhan Neonatus dan Anak Balita. Salemba Medika.
Walyani, E. S., & Purwoastuti, E. (2017). Asuhan Kebidanan Masa Nifas dan Menyusui. Putaka Baru Press.
Wulandari, P., Kustriyani, M., Aini, K., & Studi Ners STIKES Widya Husada Semarang Jl Subali Raya No, P. (2018). Peningkatan Produksi ASI Ibu Post Partum melalui Tindakan Pijat Oksitosin. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Indonesia, 2(1), 33–49.