PENGARUH SIKAP IBU TERHADAP PENANGANAN PERTAMA DIARE BALITA USIA 1-4 TAHUN (Studi Di Puskesmas Bareng Kecamatan Bareng Kabupaten Jombang 2013)
Toddler are esay attacked by diarrhea, mother not respond appropriate diarrhea experience by children. Mothershould do first gandling of diarrhea by giving lost liquid and giving of food. The Highest incident of diarrheahappens in Puskesmas of Bareng year 2013 a number 2069 diarrhea cases, period of January to March 2014diarrhea incident to toddler aged 1-4 year a number of 86 toddlers. This research has a purpose to analyze effectof mother’s attitude to first handling of diarrhea to toddler aged 1-4 year in Puskesmas ofBarengKecamatanBarengKabupatenJombang.This research is analytic research by cross sectional apporoach.Population are all mothers that have toddlers aged 1-4 year that ever got diarrhea by visiting to puskesmas ofBareng with number of samples are 31 mothers. Sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling. Datacollected effect of mother’s attitude to first handling of diarrhea to toddler aged 1-4 year by questionnaire. Dataanalysis uses Spearman Rank’s. Result of research known that mother’s attitude about first handling of toddleraged 1-4 year most have negative attitude a number of 64,5% and almost a half have positive attitude a numberof 35,5%. While for first handling of diarrhea to toddler aged 1-4 year most of respondents are less a number of58,1%, Sufficient 32,3%, and good 9,7%. Result of Spearman Rank’s test known that value of correlationcoefficient a number of 0,395 with value of p 0,028 < 0,05 so H1 was accepted.Conclusion in this research saysthat There is effect of mother’s attitude to first handling of diarrhea to toddler aged 1-4 year with first handlingof diarrhea to toddler aged 1-4 year in Puskesmas of BarengKecamatanBarengKabupatenJombangKeyword: Mother’s Attitude, Handling Diarrhea
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