KNOWLEDGE RELATIONSHIP WITH FAMILY ATTITUDE IN PREVENTION OF DENGUE FEVER Study in Pilangkenceng Village, Pilangkencneg Subdistrict, Madiun Regency

  • Nobi Prastyo


Dengue fever isa public health problem in pilangkenceng villagethattends to increase its spread due to lackoffamilies knowledgeabout prevention dengue fever. The purposeof this study is to know knowledgerelationship of with family attitude in prevention of dengue fever in Pilangkenceng Village, PilangkencengSubdistrict, Madiun Regency.The study design uses analitic Crosssectionalstudy. Population is allfamilies in Pilangkenceng Village,Pilangkenceng Subdistrict, Madiun Regency as many as 1250families. Samples are 125families byusingStratifiedrandom samplingtechnique. Data collection uses questionnaires. Independentvariable isknowledge of families about dengue fever and dependentvariable is family attitude in prevention of denguefever. Data processinguseediting, coding, scoring, and tabulating. After being tabulated,data is analyzed byusingMann Whitney Correlation testwith an error rateof 0.05.The results of the study showedthatknowledge of family about dengue fever withgood criteria as many as72respondents(57.6%), family attitudein prevention of dengue fever which is Positive is71(56.8%), whiletheresults of statistical test mann whitney correlation obtainedresult that there is knowledge relationshipwithfamilyattitudein prevention of dengue fever(p=0,014 (p < 0,05).The conclusionsofthe studythere is knowledge relationshipwith familyattitudein prevention of dengue fever.May health workers be expected to improve counseling and educational information about Dengue fever tothe families especially, with enough knowledge debriefing by providing examples of how to eradicatemosquito breeding and cultivating the environment clean, it can reduce the incidence of fever dengue fever.Keywords : Knowledge, Attitude, Family, Dengue Fever