Along with the development of society, in the health sector there was an increase in demand for rnservices both in quantity and quality. To improve the performance of nurses in the field of nursing rnmanagement especially acceptance weigh implementation is unoptimal. This could happen due to a rnlack of knowledge of nurses about the implementation of the concept of weighing acceptance. The rnpu…
Baby nutrition status is not only affected by food intake deficiency, but alsornindirectly by other’s nuptials early married age. The hoisterous of nuptials early rnmarrie can bring less impact both for baby nutrision, because as mother rndetermine food menu for his him. Common target of this research is to analyse rnwoman merrie age early with status of baby nutrition in count…
Asuhan Kebidanan Komprehensif Pada Ny”A” Kehamilan Normal Dengan Masalah Kekurangan Energi Kronik (Kek) ( Studi Di Bpm Dwi Wulan. Amd.Keb. Desa Bulurejo Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang ) ABSTRAK Maulidia Agustin*Nining Mustika Ningrum**Ratna Dewi Permatasari*** Kehamilan menyebabkan meningkatnya energi. Peningkatan energi dan zat gizi tersebut di perlukan untuk pertumbuhan dan p…