ASUHAN KEBIDANAN KOMPREHENSIF PADA NY “E” G2P1A0 32 MINGGU DENGAN KEHAMILAN NORMAL DI BPM KOMSATUN Amd. Keb DESA KEPUHKAJANG KECAMATAN PERAK KABUPATEN JOMBANG Indri Ayu Permata Sari* Any Isro’aini ** Dwi Anik Karya Setyarini *** ABSTRAK Dalam kehamilan sering terjadi perubahan fisiologis yang menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan pada ibu hamil. Ketidaknyamanan yang sering terj…
In developing Countries including Indonesia is still a nutritional problem is a major health problem. Since the start of fetal life in the womb. Entering the 7th day of pregnancy, fetal brain cells have started to form and evolve. According to data Jombang Health Office in 2011 showed 10.95% of pregancy getting chronic energy deficiency. The purpose of this study is to know the motivation of mo…