ABSTRAK Fenomena yang terjadi dimasyarakat masih banyak keluarga yang tinggal serumah dengan anggota keluarga yang menderita tuberkulosis tidak menggunakan masker, dan mereka tidak melakukan pengobatan sampai selesai atau putus obat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan sikap dengan perilaku pencegahan penularan pada keluarga penderita tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Cukir Jombang. …
ABSTRAK Diare merupakan penyakit endemis dengan kejadian luar biasa di Indonesia yang bisa menyerang seluruh kelompok usia, Berdasarkan data dinas kesehatan kabupaten jombang cakupan pukesmas dengan penemuan kasus diare tertinggi yaitu Pukesmas Jogoloyo, Pukesmas Mojoagung, dan Pukesmas Peterongan, wilayah kerja Pukesmas Mojoagung merupakan Pukesmas dengan penemuan kasus diare tertingg…
Common public health problem in developing countries and developed countries such asrnbehavioral changes in modern lifestyle, smoke, drink alcohol, unbalanced eating habits and lack ofrnactivity can lead to increased incidence of hypertension. Some conditions that cause blood pressurernsuch as heredity, excessive salt intake, obesity (obesity), smoking, drinking alcohol, andrnconstipation.rnThi…
The lack of quality of nursing care, the nurse do not perform minimum service standard in the set, rnSo that patient feel the service provided is not in accordance with costs incurred and the results rnreceived service. Minimum service standard in Indonesian hospital in 2013 based on the results of rna survey of community satisfaction index of 81% of the people are very are satisfied. Standard …
Lack of complementary feeding ation (MP-ASI) which does not meet the balanced nutrition (food rnpotluck) and less frequency would impact the nutritional status of children. Based on preliminary rnstudies conducted on March 25, 2014 in the Village Sky View 7 out of 10 mothers with infants 6-24 rnmonths of age say that they provide food that does not meet the balanced nutrition (food potluck).…