A disorder of growing cause the high number of death and a reduction in potential learn from children, and endurance to infected disease.The implications of this are the onset of disability; the high number of pain, and early death.Based on the study of the prelude in the village of bandung on 10 april 2014 been gained 10 toddlers the age of 1-5 years where there are 2 toddlers saw higher growt…
Problem that faced is Exclusive Breast-Feeding promotion loses far from milk formula promotion. rnIn order that the important of breast-feeding intake awareness to baby is still low. Many causes rnlack of coverage of exclusive Breast-Feeding, that factors such as mother, that is mother sometime rnfeels stress just like confused situation or complicated mind, scare, and anxiety. This research is…
Baby nutrition status is not only affected by food intake deficiency, but alsornindirectly by other’s nuptials early married age. The hoisterous of nuptials early rnmarrie can bring less impact both for baby nutrision, because as mother rndetermine food menu for his him. Common target of this research is to analyse rnwoman merrie age early with status of baby nutrition in count…
Angka kematian ibu (AKI) merupakan salah satu indikator untuk melihat derajat kesehatan perempuan di suatu Negara, penyebab kematian ibu di Indonesia masih di dominasi oleh perdarahan, infeksi dan eklamsi. Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan secara kompre hensif pada Ny ”W” di BPM Maruti Rahayu AMd. Keb Dusun Kecamatan Ngusikan Kabupaten Jombang. Penulisan ini meng…
Letak Sungsang merupakan suatu keadaan patologis kehamilan, dimana keadaan letak bokong. Tujuan Laporan Tugas Akhir melaksanakan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada Ny “M” dengan Letak Sungsang di Polindes AL-fathih Anita Amd. Keb Desa Karobelah Kecamatan Mojoagung Kabupaten Jombang. Mulai bulan Mei sampai Agustus 2015. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode dalam bentuk Laporan Tugas Akhir dengan…