SIKAP REMAJA TENTANG PENGGUNAANrnMINUMAN KERAErn(Studi di Kelas Xl SMK Dvyrja Bhakti 2, Kabupaten Jombang)
Liquor are all types of beverages contoining alcohol (chemical's name is ethanal). At the present time manyrnteens who scy thot rnfu rndrinking liquor their confidence grow rnfom rna coward become brave, they assume thatrnall problems can be solved by drinking liquor, liquor cun raise up rnfriends. rnBut, the rnfoct rnalcohol can dmnagernthe process of thinking and making an unconscious or not act at wish. The purpose of the research to identifirnadolescent's attitudes aboat the use of liquor in elass il SMK Dwija BhaWi 2, Jombang. Research designrnwas a descriptive, research place was in class -n SMK Dwija Bhalti 2, Jombang. The population was 115rnrespondents, the study sample was 4A respondents by using a random sampling techniqae. Ihe voriables ofrnthis study were adolescent's attitude about the use of liquor. The datawas colleaed by using a questionnaire.rnProcessing and analysis ofdata consisting ofEditing Cording Scoring, Tabulating and then conducted arnpresentation. The results showed that most of the respondents were 21 (52.5%0) had a negative attitude rnqboutrnthe use ofliquor. The conclusion ofthis reseorch is adolescenl's attitude about the ase ofliquor, studies inrnclsss X SMK Dwiia Bhalai 2, Jombang mostly have negative attitude. As rnfor rnthe respondents to be negativelyrnwas influenced by rcegative thoughts, unstable emotions,so it's giving rise to the tendency of negativernattitudes.rnKeywords : Attiiude, Young, Use of li4uor
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