PENGARUH MOTIVASI ORANG TUA TERHADAPrnKEBIASAAN MENGGOSOK GIGIrnPADA ANAK PRA SEKOLAHrn(Studi di TK Pertiwi Desa Mancar Kecamatan PeteronganrnKabupaten Jombang JawaTimur)
Toothache and sore mouth often occur on pre-schoolage children, this is caused consume rnof sweet foods. The irregular habit of brushing teeth can lead to tooth decay and can interfere rnwith daily activities. This condition is due to a lack of motivation (support) or parents guidance rnin doing or habituate brushing teeth to children. The purpose of this study was to determi ne the rneffect of parental motivation to tooth brushing habits in pre-school age children in kindergarten rnPertiwi Village of Mancar District of Peterongan Jombang. Analytic study design with cross rnsectional approach. The population in this study was parents who had pre-school age children rnwith a sample as many as 34 respondents, sampling was using proportional random sampling rntechnique. Independet variabel is parental motivation and dependent variabel is tooth brushing rnhabits in pre-school.Data collection was using questionnaires, data analysis was using rnSpearman's rank with an error rate 0,05. rnFrom the results obtained parents’ motivation to habituate strong teeth as much as 29.4% (10), rnnormal as much as 41,2% (14), weak was 29,4% (10). The habit of brushing teeth on in good rnpre-school children as much as 58.8% (20), bad as much as 41.2% (14).and then the results test rnof Spearman's rank showed that the P-value of 0.000 (0.000
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