HUBUNGAN SIKAP MASYARAKAT DENGANrnUPAYA PENCEGAHAN STROKErn(Di dusunTambakberas desa Tambakrejo Kec. Jombang Kab. Jombang)
Revolusion of unhealthy people's life styles that cause many people get stroke, so it needs for an rnincreased understanding of the prevention of stroke. Results ofpreliminary studies5out of 10 rnpeople say they know how to prevent stroke, and 5 out of 10 people sayt hey do not know how tornpreventa stroke. The purpose of this study was to know the relationship of the society attitude tornthe prevention of stroke in the Tambakberas village Tambakrejo District of Jombang. Designrnresearch used was Cross-sectiona. The research was begun on March – July 2014. The populationrnof all people aged over 45 years a total of 110 households. Samples community Tambakberasrnvillage Tambakrejo sub-districtof Jombang number of 80 respondents. Sampling method used was rnsimple random sampling. Variable independent variable is the attitude of the public and the rndependent variable Is the prevention of stroke. Instrument in the form of a questionnaire. Data rnprocessing by doing editing, coding, scoring, and tabulating. Then analyze the data usingrnSpearman's rho test. Spearman rho test results with a significant number (0,005)
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