HUBUNGAN PEMENUHAN NUTRISI DENGAN STATUS GIZIrnBALITA 6-24 BULANrn(Studi Di Desa Grogol Kecamatan Cukir Kabupaten Jombang)
Lack of complementary feeding ation (MP-ASI) which does not meet the balanced nutrition (food rnpotluck) and less frequency would impact the nutritional status of children. Based on preliminary rnstudies conducted on March 25, 2014 in the Village Sky View 7 out of 10 mothers with infants 6-24 rnmonths of age say that they provide food that does not meet the balanced nutrition (food potluck). The rnpurpose of this study was to determine the relationship of nutrition and nutritional status of children rnaged 6-24 months in the Grogol Village, District of Cukir. Analytic study design with cross sectional rnapproach. Mothers who have taken the population of children aged 6-24 months in the Grogol Village rnDistrict of Cukir Jombang many as 50 people, with a total sampling technique. The independent rnvariable is the dependent variable of nutrition and nutritional status is. Research instrument by means rnof questionnaires and KMS. Data processing through the stages of editing, coding, scoring, tabulating rnand statistical analysis Mann-Whitney test. Results of Mann-Whitneywith SPSS 15 obtained significant rnvalue or numeric probability (0.00) significantly lower than the standard (0.05) or (ρ
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