One of the problems occurred nursing care is that nurses’ work motivation is low resulting from rnthe management functions of the head of the room. Management functions of planning, organizing, rndirecting, and monitoring. Based on preliminary studied conducted in Kertosono hospital of total rn54 respondents, from interviews on 10 nurses, 6 nurses staded head room management fuctions rnhad not achieved optimally and 4 nurses staded head room never motivated nurses working rnoptimally. The purpose of this research was to know the relationship between the function of head rnroom management with the motivastion of nurses working in Kertosono hospitals 2014.Design rnresearch uses analytic correlation with cross-sectional approach. The population of this research rnwas all the nurses in the inpatient wards in Kertosono hospitals number of 44 people. The sampling rntechenique used was total sampling technique. The independent variable was the function of head rnroom management, while the dependent variables was of work motivations nurse. Instrument in rnresearch used questionnaires, then the data was processed through the stages of editing, coding, rnscoring, tabulating and presented in tabular form then preformed Kolomogorov-Smirnov test to rndetermine the normal distribution of data, after the results were normal using statiscal research rnwith the pearson’s test.The result of the research that has been done can be seen that the rnmanagement funcition almost entirely good head room with an average value of 67.80, while the rnmotivation of nurses working well earned nearly led entirely by the value of the average value of rn63.07. By using the pearson test with SPSS 12 of the two variable was found that p count is smaller rnthan the table is 0,000 p < 0,05 means that H1 is accepted, H0 is rejected.In conclusion there is a rnrelationship between the management functions of the head of the room with the motivation of rnnurses working in hospital Kertosono.rnKeyword : management functions, motivation, head room
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