HUBUNGAN POLA ASUH ORANG TUA DENGAN TINGKAT rnKEDISIPLINAN ANAK USIA 7-8 TAHUNrn(Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darussalam Dusun Padar, Desa Kesamben, rnKecamatan Ngoro, Kabupaten Jombang)
Parenting parents greatly affect the behavior of the students discipline, some of the parents there who do rnnot use proper upbringing for their children, the purpose of this study was to determine the relationship rnof parenting with the level of discipline of children aged 7-8 years. rnThe design of this study is to use analytic cross sectional approach. The population in this study are allrnparents who have children aged 7-8 years at Hamlet Elementary School Darussalam Padar, KesambenrnVillage, District Ngoro, Jombang grade 1 and 2 by the number of 31 respondents, the sampling techniquernusing simple random sampling and collection methods variable data using questionnaires on parenting rnparents and a check list on a variable level of discipline of children aged 7-8 years. Data were analyzed rnusing Chi Square statistical test with an error rate (α) of 0.05. rnBased on the results of the research parenting parents relationship with the level of discipline of children rnaged 7-8 years found most parents use democratic parenting by 71%, 16.1% authoritarian parenting andrnpermissive parenting 12.9%. The level of discipline of children aged 7-8 years obtained most of the childrndisciplined by 58.1% and amounted to 41.9% undisciplined. The results obtained Chi Square test p valuern
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