SIKAP IBU HAMIL PRE – EKLAMPSIA TENTANG RENCANA PERSALINANrnrnrn(Studi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Perak Kecamatan Perak Kabupaten Jombang)
Pregnancy pre - eclampsia must get good medical observation. But in reality many cases of prern- eclampsia is not handled correctly. This happens because the attitude of mothers who arernreluctant and afraid to make childbirth in the hospital. From preliminary studies in an interviewrnon May 9, 2014 in the village Pager Wojo Perak Subdistrict of Jombang, 2 of 3 pregnant womenrnpre - eclampsia agreed to prepare a plan of maternity at the hospital, and 1 pregnant womenrnpre - eclampsia still want to give birth at the midwife. The purpose of research is to determinernthe attitude of pregnant women pre -eklampsia about plan of maternity at Puskesmas PerakrnPerak Subdistrict of Jombang District.rnDescriptive research design. The research was done on 18 to 21 June 2014. The population ofrnall pregnant women pre - eclampsia in Puskesmas Perak Perak Subdistrict of Jombang Districtrnas 20 people with a total sampling technique. The variables of this study is the attitude ofrnpregnant women pre - eclampsia about plan of maternity. Instrument research usingrnquestionnaires. Data processing with editing, coding, scoring, tabulating, T score analysis andrnfrequency distribution. The results showed the attitude of pregnant women Pre - eclampsiarnabout plan of maternity that most respondents had a negative attitude total of 11 respondentsrn(55%), nearly half had a positive attitude 9 respondents (45%).rnThe final conclusion is that the attitude of pregnant women pre - eclampsia about plan ofrnmaternity at Puskesmas Perak Perak Subdistrict of Jombang District in the negative category.rnSuggested midwives providecounseling on the importance about plan of maternity in pregnantrnwomen at high risk when the mother did the ANC in Polindes or health center.rnKey words: attitude, pregnant women pre - eclampsia, plan of maternity
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