PERILAKU IBU DALAM MENGURANGI NYERI PERSALINAN KALA Irn (Studi di BPM Dwi Wulan Desa Bulurejo Kecamatan DiwekrnKabupaten Jombang)
When the feelings a mother feel very afraid then automatically the brain organize and prepare the body to feel pain, so the pain during childbirth will be felt. Based on preliminary studies on BPM Dwi Wulan, there are seven maternity mother kala 1 excess when processing childbirth.. The purpose of this research is to know the mother's behavior in reducing the pain during labour and delivery times 1.rnDesign research used on this research is descriptive to the population all the mothers maternity on kala i started 26 may - 21 june a number 19 respondents. Use sampling techniques of sampling consecutive a variable in this research behavior mother in childbirth time I, reduce pain the data collected will be on offer, to editing coding, scoring, and tabulating, and analysis of data in the study to table a frequency distribution.rnBased on the result of the study found that the majority of Maternal Behavior in reducing labor pain time I was negative as many as 12 of respondents (63%) while who behaves positive as many as 7 of respondents (37%).rnThis research can be concluded that most behavior mother in reduce pain childbirth kala 1 in bpm dwi wulan amd.keb village bulurejo sub-district diwek district jombang is negative.rnKey words: behavior, maternal maternity, labor painrn
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