KECEMASAN IBU HAMIL DALAM MENGHADAPI MORNING SICKNESS(Study di Desa Dukuhmojo Kec. Mojoagung Kab.Jombang Provinsi Jawa Timur)
In early pregnancy, some women experience nausea accompanied with or without vomiting (morning sickness) that can occur as a result of elevated levels of hCG (hormone chorionic Gonadroyhopin) and carbohydrate metabolism disorder that can occur anxiety (Lowdermik & Perry, 2004). This study used a design dieskriptif, the population is all pregnant women experience morning sickness in the village of the District Dukuhmojo Mojoagung Jombang East Java Province. Total population of 39 women with Morning Sickness, and sampling with Consecutive sampling method. Variables are maternal anxiety in the face of Morning Sickness. Collecting data using questionnaires, the data collected was processed with the editing, coding, scoring and tabulating.rnThe results of the study of anxiety in the face of pregnant women pregnant Morning Sickness total of 39 respondents, showed 27 (69.2%) of respondents experienced moderate anxiety, 6 (15.4%) of respondents experiencing severe anxiety, 6 (15.4%) of respondents experienced mild anxiety , and 0 (0%) of respondents no anxiety.rnIn this study it can be concluded maternal anxiety in the face of Morning Sickness is almost half of the respondents experienced moderate anxiety.rnKeywords: Anxiety, Morning Sickness, Morning Sickness mother who suffered.
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