PERILAKU IBU DALAM MEMBERIKAN MAKANAN INSTANT PADA ANAK USIA 3-5 TAHUNrnrn(Studi di Desa Grogol Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang)
Food is the basic cause of obesity, dental caries, and constipation in children age. A busy working mom and also lazy were proven to behave giving instant food.Based on preliminary study that was done at Independent practice midwife Erdina A.R. Amd, Keb In in Grogol Village Diwek District Jombang Regencyon March 30, 2014 with interview method to 10 mothers who had children aged 3-5 years was found 5 (50%) mothers giving instant foods such as meatballs, sausages, noodles, and 5 (50 %) people giving healthy food to their children such as providing vegetables and fruit. The purpose of the study was to illustrate or describe the behavior of mother in giving food for children.rnThis study used descriptive study design, the population was all mothers having children aged 3-5 years as many as 178 people the sample was 36 people with random t sampling technique. Instrumen of this study used questionnaire. Variable was mother's behavior in providing instant food for children aged 3-5 years.rnBased on the research was found that mother's behavior in providing instant food in children aged 3-5 years in Grogol Village Diwek District Jombang Regency was 17 respondents (47.2%) behaved enough, 15 respondents (31.67%) behaved well and 4 respondents (11.1%) behaved less.rnThe results of this study can be concluded that mother's behavior in providing instant food in children aged 3-5 years almost a half behaved enough.rnIt is recommended for health workers to be more active in providing information about how to choose and prepare right food on posyandu time. Mothers having children should also be more active in participating in neighborhood health center so that they get the information from the counseling conducted by health workers.rnKeywords: Behavior, Instant foodrn
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