PERILAKU REMAJA PUTRI DALAM PENCEGAHAN SINDROM PRArnMENSTRUASIrn(Remaja awal usia 12-15 tahun pada siswa kelas VIII di SMP N 1rnMojoagung Kabupaten Jombang)
Pre menstrual syndrome to represent physical symptom corps, psychological, andrnemotion which related to cycle menstruate consistence and woman happened during phase ofrnluteal of cycle menstruate effect of change of hormonal related to moment cycle of ovulasirnand menstruate. In East Java woman which enter gynaecology around 40% from 500 womanrncomplaining the problem of before happened to menstruate. And pursuant to result ofrnconducted on antecedent study the 8 April 2014 at class student of VIII in SMP N 1rnMojoagung with direct interview, from 10 is adolescent of facing pre menstrual syndrome 6rnpeople ( 60%) taking medicine palliative of pain in bone. While which is 4 people ( 40%)rnfacing it with just rest. Target of this research to know adolescent’s behavior in prevention ofrnpre menstrual syndrome in SMP N 1 Mojoagung.rnDesain of the research was descriptive, population taken away from all class schoolrngirl of VIII in SMP N 1 Mojoagung amounting to 166 student by using is technics of simplernrandom sampling with amount of sampel 42 respondents. Variabe the used is adolescent’srnbehavior in prevention of pre menstrual syndrome, data collecting use kuesioner, and alsorndata processing by editing, coding, scoring and tabulating.rnThe result of this research got that most of adolescents had negative behavior inrnprevention pre menstrual syndrome, they are 29 respondents (69%), beside that thernadolescents who had positive behavior only 13 respondents (31%). Expected to adolescentrnmore reading article or book about prevention of pre syndrome menstruate from variousrnsource of like media print also electronic media, so that can change behavior in prevention ofrnpre syndrome menstruate to become better and also can be applied in everyday life.rnKeywords : behavior, adolescent, pre menstrual syndrome
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