FAKTOR PENYEBAB RENDAHNYA KUNJUNGAN ANCrnYANG KE 4 (K4)rn(Studi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Dukuh Klopo Kecamatan PeteronganrnKabupaten Jombang)
Fourth visit of pregnant women is pregnant women who get antenatal care according to rnstandards at least four times the Antenatal Care. With the results of a preliminary study rnthat was conducted by interviews in pregnant women in the work area of dukuh Klopo rnhealth center on May 20, 2014 obtained of 2 pregnant women, one pregnant women with rngestational age of 32 weeks gestation rarely checked due to lack of knowledge about the rnimportance of examinations, 1 expectant mothers with a gestational age of 35 weeks rngestation rarely checked as constrained economy. This research aimed to determine the rnfactor of low ANC fourth (K4).rnThis research was conducted on date 22 July 2014 used descriptive research design with rntotal population of populasi third timester pregnant women a number of 28 people. rnSampling technique used was total sampling. The variable in this research was the factor rnthat cause low ANC fourth visit (K4). The instrument used was a questionnaire. Data rncollecting ana analyzing technique used was editing, coding, scoring and tabulating. rnThe result of the factor that cause the occurance of low ANC fourth visit (K4) in the work rnarea of Dukuh Klopo health center district of Peterongan Jombang regency was obtained rn1 respondent had good knowledge (3%), 5 had enough knowledge (18%), 22 respondents rnhad less knowledge (78%). While for income was obtained 4 upper class type (14%), 10 rnwere middle class type (36%), 14 were low class type (50%).rnThe conclusion of this reseach obtained that the knowledge on ANC fourth visit (k4) in rnwork are of Dukuh Klopo health center district of Peterongan Jombang regency was rnmostly less knowledge and most of income were in the low class type.rnKeywords: factor causes, fourth visit, pregnant women
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