SIKAP REMAJA PUTRI USIA 16-19 TAHUN TENTANGrnSIKLUS MENSTRUASIrn( Studi di MAN 5 Kabupaten Jombang Provinsi Jawa Timur )
The low level of knowledge of adolescent teens cause them do not know about the rndisruption of the menstrual cycle so it causes an uncomfortable feeling. In fact, there are rnsome teenagers have irregular menstrual cycles positively do not deviate from health and rnsome teenagers deviate from health, so it causes a negative attitude. From interviews with rn10 young women in the class X and XI MAN 5 JOMBANG on May 12, 2014, there were 7 rnteenagers whose regular menstrual cycles, and 3 teenagers had irregular cycles rnmentrual. Some causes of irregular menstrual cycles, among others, due to stress, certain rndiseases, malnutrition or excessive exercise. The purpose to identify the attitudes of rnyoung women aged 16-19 years on the menstrual cycle in 5 MAN Jombang.rnDescriptive research design with a survey approach. Variable attitudes of young rnwomen aged 16-19 years on the menstrual cycle. The population is all the girls of class X rnand XI were aged 16-19 years at 5 MAN Jombang Regency Jombang number of 92 rnrespondents using total sampling. Instruments used questionnaires and processed by rnediting, scoring, coding and tabulating. And analysis as descriptive with logic approach.rnThe results of this study that the attitude of young women ages 16-19 years of rnmenstrual cycles obtained a number of 45 respondents (49.00%) to be positive, 47 rnrespondents (51.00%) being negative. rnBased on the results of research and discussion that has been done, it is known that rnthe most of young women being negative. rnKeywords: Attitude, Young, Menstrual Cycle
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