PERILAKU IBU DALAM MENGATASI MILIARIA rnPADA BAYI rn(Studi di Desa Sepanyul Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang)
Miliaria is a skin deviation due to the sweat glands closed that caused sweat retention. Based the rnresearch by World Health Organization (WHO) predicted about 80% miliaria patient by the world, rn65% of them are babies. The numbers of Miliaria patient in Indonesia is about 40% because rnlocated in the tropics area that has very high air humidity. The symptoms of Miliaria are marked rnitch red spots in the neck area, the armpit and groin that occur when the air is hot or humidity. The rnaim of this research is describing the mother's behavior in overcome Miliaria to the baby in rnSepanyul Village.rnThe design of this research is descriptive research. This research was done on July 3rd-5th, 2014. rnLocated of this research at Sepanyul Village.The variable that to be researched is mother behavior rnin prevent miliaria to baby. The populations at this research are the babies mother, about 35 rnrespondences. The sampling techniques used total sampling. The instrument to collect data is rnclosed questionnaire. The data analisis is using T-mean.rnThe result of the research is most of the mother's behavior in overcome miliaria in Sepanyul rnVillage, Gudo District, Jombang City that have negative behavior is about 21 respondences (60%) rnand 14 respondences (40%) have positive behavior.rnThe conclusion of the research is most of the mother's behavior in ovecome miliaria to baby is rnnegative. Mother's behavior in overcome miliaria can be increase by renovate mother's behavior, rnresidence environment and give miliaria medicine.rnKeywords : The Mother's Behavior, Miliaria
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