FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI GANGGUAN TIDUR PADA LANSIArn( Studi di Desa Spanyul Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang)
Faktor affecting sleep disorders on elderly ( study in the village spanyul sub-district gudo district rnjombang ) elderly found often distruption in fulfillment of sleep. It will be worse when elderly notrnnotice his health, or elderly not do sports. Research purposes this is identify problem of factors rnaffect sleep disorders on elderly in the village spanyul sub-district gudo district jombang.rnDesign research used in this research is by research descriptive. This research carried out in may rnuntil july 2014. Research is done in the village spanyul sub-district gudo district jombang. Of rnvariable in minutely a factor that affect a disorder of sleep. Population in this research is all rnelderly in village spanyul sub-district gudo, some 120 people. On this research sampelnya is partly rnelderly located in the village spanyul sub-district gudo district jombang a number of 48 people. The rnsample in this research used technique simple random sampling. Instrument used in this research rnis a questionnaire. Data processing done with editing, scoring, coding, and tabulating.rnResults in be from research in the village spanyul sub-district gudo district jombang of factors rnaffect sleep disorders is the fatigue factor 199 ( 17,89 % ), stress psychology 193 ( 17,35 % ), rnlifestyle 181 ( 16,27 % ), environment 179 ( 16,09 % ), disease 103 ( 9,26 % ), physical activity 82 ( rn7.37 % ), nutrients 72 ( 6,47 % ), smoking 68 ( 6,11 % ), drugs 35 ( 3.14 % ).rnBased on studies conducted in village spanyul sub-district jombang gudo counties in july 2014 rnconcluded that factor affecting sleep disorders on elderly nearly half of respondents had the fatigue rnfactor and psychological stress. He advised is for respondents increase knowledge and action rnconcerning what drives inform the sleep disturbance and reduce consumption of especially food rnand drink much caffeine containing and alcohol.rnKeywords : elderly, sleep disorders.
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