GAMBARAN KADAR KREATININ SERUM DALAM PASIEN HIPERTENSIrn(Studi Kasus di Instalasi Rawat Inap Puskesmas Mojoagung, Jombang)
Persistent blood pressure in the range of high number and for a long time carries dangerous risks.rnUsually, it appears various complications to target organ. One of the complications can make the rnblood vessels of the kidney (glomeruli). So that kidney can not filter and pull out the rest. Therndamage effect occurred creatinine level increase in the body. Early detection with measurements ofrnserum creatinine level is a program to reduce the incidence of kidney failure in hypertension that isrnnot diagnosed. The purpose of this study is due to the high of hypertension and to know serum rncreatinine level in hypertension patients so it can be used as an early detection to reduce therncomplications of hypertension on kidney function impairment. This study used a descriptivernobservational study. The sample of this study was 30 hypertension patients at Inpatient Village rnclinic of Mojoagung, Jombang taken purposively. Data collection was done in 2 ways they arernserum creatinine level examination in the laboratory and using questionnaires. The variable of this rnstudy was creatinine level. Based on the study result it can be found that 30 respondents almost all rnrespondents had normal creatinine level with the number of 23 respondents (76.7%) while a rnminority of respondents had abnormal creatinine level with the number 7 respondents (23.3%). rnThe conclusion of this study is almost all hypertension patients at Inpatient Village clinic of rnMojoagung, Jombang had normal creatinine level. It is expected that the hypertension patients forrnroutine to check and control blood pressure, to avoid the complications of kidney function rnimpairment.rnKeywords: serum creatinine level, hypertension, kidney function impairment
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