SIKAP ORANG TUA DALAM MENCEGAH KEKERASAN SEKSUAL PADArnANAK USIA 3-6 TAHUNrn(Studi di Tk Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal III Plandi jombang Kecamatan JombangrnKabupaten Jombang)
Children are beginning chains that determine the form and life of a nation in the future. Lately various phenomena of negative attitudes often seen in everyday life in children. Lack of parental attitudes in providing care to children and environmental influences, especially the people around, very influential on the development of the child. This study was performed on the date 14 juny 2014. The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of parents in preventing sexual violence in children aged 3-6 years in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal III Plandi Jombang, District Jombang, Jombang Regency. In this study using descriptive method. The population of allparents of students in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanu lAthfal 3 Plandi Jombang, District Jombang, Jombang Regencysome 65 people. The sampling techni queusedis the sample random sampling. The variables of this study attitudes of parents in preventing sexual violencein childrenaged 3-6 years. Measuring instrument usedwas a questionnaire. Whilethe data Processing is done with editing, scoring, coding, tabulating. The conclusion of this research is the attitude of parents in preventing sexual violence in children aged 3-6 years had a positive attitude as much as 10 respondents (30.4%), and negative attitudes as much as 23 respondents (69.6%). From the above data result sconcluded that the attitudes of parents in preventing sexua lviolence in children aged 3-6 years in kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 3 Plandi Jombang, District Jombang, Jombang Regency mostly have a negative attitude.rnrnKeywords: parental attitudes, sexualviolence, child.rn rnrn
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