SIKAP IBU DALAM MENCEGAH THYFOID PADA BALITArn(USIA 3-5 TAHUN)rn(Studi di Desa Jabon Kecamatan Jombang KabupatenrnJombang)
Now a days abdominal typhus disease is still an important issue and still rank the prevalence rnof infectious diseases. Thyfoid Fever is usually called typhus or types it’s caused of rnsalmonella typhi bacteria. salmonella typhi bacteria attacks the digestive tract. Center forrnHealth Policy and system states that thyfoid fever caused of pollution of drinking water andrnbad sanitation. The purpose of this study was to determine the attitude of mothers in rnpreventing thyfoid on toddlers (3-5 years) in village of Jabon district of Jombang regency rnJombang.rnThe research design used descriptive method. Its population was all mothers who have rntoddlers in village of Jabon district of Jombang regency Jombang which amounts to 256 rnpeople. The sample totaled 64. Sampling techniques with simple random sampling. Research rninstrument using a questionnaire, processing and analysis of data using editing, coding, rnscoring and tabulating.rnThe results obtained most of the mother's attitude in preventing thyfoid on toddlers (3-5 rnyears) as many as 42 people had positive attitude and as 22 people had negative attitude.rnThe conclusion was that mother’s attitudes in preventing thyfoid on toddlers was positive. rnAccording to the researcher that the respndents had positive attitude in in preventing thyfoid rnon toddlers (aged 3-5 years)
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