SIKAP IBU DALAM PENCEGAHAN PENYAKITrnCHIKUNGUNYArn(Studi di Dusun Rejosari, Desa Tinggar, Kecamatan Bandar KedungrnMulyo, Kababupaten Jombang)
The emergence of chikungunya patients because lack of public awareness, especially in maintaining andrncaring for the environment is the lack of hygiene in applying 3M Plus. Based preliminary studies conductedrnon 10 families Juni 12, 2014, with interview techniques showed 6 mathers in the village tinggar have notrnimplemented a way of chikungunya prevention and mather 4 have implemented prevention of chikungunya.rnThe purpose of this study was to determin the attitude of mathers in the prevention of chikungunya in thernvillage of Dusun Rejosari Tingar Bandar Kedung Mulyo District.rnThis research is done in done on the 20th of July 2014. This is a descriptive study design with a population ofrn481 mother, sample of 48 of mather of household are taken by proporsional random sampling. Researchrnvariables using a variable that mather attitude in desease prevention chikungunya. Research intrumen usedrnwas a questionnaire. Processing techniques and data analysis using the editing, coding, scoring, andrntabulating.rnFrom the research result of the 48 mather, there were 28 (58%) household behave positively and 20 (42%)rnnegative attitude on the prevention of chikungunya disease.rnConclusions majority in the mother's attitude was positive chikungunya disease prevention. For mather isrnhoped that all mothers can maintain a positive attitude towards prevention of chikungunya disease,rneradication of mosquito breeding by.rnKeywords: Behavior Mather, Prevention, Chikungunya Disease.
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