SIKAP REMAJA USIA 16-19 TAHUNrnDALAM MENGATASI JERAWATrn(Studi di SMA PGRI Desa Carangrejo Kecamatan Kesambenrnkabupaten Jombang)
The attitude of adolescents in coping with acne at this time there is a positive as well as rnnegative, but in fact there are still many among teenagers who are being negative, it is rnwrong in handling dikarena acne and cause various problems such as acne, teenage rnattitude memencet-mencet anti acne cream dabble without knowing the condition of the rnskin first, personal hygiene is lacking, especially in the area of the face. Based on rnpreliminary study through interviews of high school Kesamben, Kabupaten Jombang rnPGRI on 86 students and students. In the get 45 pupils and students the breakouts. The rnpurpose of this research is to identify current teen attitude in coping with acne in high rnschool PGRI Kesamben, kabupaten Jombang.rnThe design of this research is a survey, with the kind of deskriftif, population research rntaken from the student and high school student that breakouts PGRI Kesamben, Kab rnStubs as much as 45 people total sampling technique. Variable in this study was the rnattitude of teenagers aged 16-19 years in overcoming acne. The instruments used in this rnstudy is a questionnaire, by using the data analysis in the form of a percentage. Dat a rnprocessing using editing, scoring, and tabulating cording.rnBased on the results of the study found that the attitude of adolescents in coping with rnacne, almost half of respondents 19 positive 42,20% while the majority of respondents rnhave a negative 26 57,80%.rnConclusion the attitude of Teenagers aged 16-19 years in overcoming Acne in high rnschool PGRI Ticino Kesamben that most of the respondents being negativernKeywords : Attitude, Adolescence, Acne
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