ABSTRAK Rendahnya kebiasaan menjaga kebersihan gigi dalam sehari-hari dapat menyebabkan karies gigi. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan peran ibu dalam menjaga kebersihan gigi dengan kejadian karies gigi pada anak prasekolah di TK Darmorejo Kecamatan Mejayan Kabupaten Madiun. Desain penelitian menggunakan analitik cross sectional, populasinya sejumlah 50 anak, sampelnya 44 respond…
Awareness of healthy living is important to provide early and from the sometimes underrated, one of which isrndental health. Dental problems into parts that almost met by most children. Based on preliminary studiesrnwere carried out on March 18, 2014 at SDN Candimulyo IV Jombang on ten students showed that eight ofrnthem experienced dental caries and two that do not have dental caries. And only…
Teeth health and mouth now still don’t be main attention. result, perforated teeth or rnkaries is to be general problem that faced most of the society. One of the causes is mothers don’t rnteach children about how to brush teeth early and lack of attention to consumed food by children. rnResult of study before that done in TK Tunas Harapan Kesamben Jombang Regency gained 6 from rn10 mothers…
Dental caries caused of any leftovers that are left on the teeth, which finally causesrncalcification of teeth. Teeth so rotten and ultimately hollow or break. Children whose dental rncaries will lose power of chewable, so disturbed digestive. The purpose of this study was to rndetermine the relationship between motivation mother about dental care with dental caries r…