Alat kontrasepsi KB suntik mempunyai efek samping salah satunya yaitu mengalami pola menstruasi. Masalah perdarahan yang tidak teratur serta bercak darah atau perdarahan hebat akan terjadi pada tahun pertama penggunaan. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan pada tanggal 10 April 2014 di desa Brodot Kecamatan Bandar KedungMulyosecara wawancara di dapatkan 10 ibu pengguna kontrasepsi impant 5 di antarany…
Teens face pre menstrual syndrome with a positive attitude, mostly teenagers aged 14-19 years face menstrual syndrome with negative attitudes and deviant of health such as drinking herbal and anti-pain medication at the time of her breasts cramps and abdominal pain. Based on preliminary studies in 5 MAN Jombang on 10 student interviews daughters Pre Menstrual Syndrome gained experience that is …
The low level of knowledge of adolescent teens cause them do not know about the rndisruption of the menstrual cycle so it causes an uncomfortable feeling. In fact, there are rnsome teenagers have irregular menstrual cycles positively do not deviate from health and rnsome teenagers deviate from health, so it causes a negative attitude. From interviews with rn10 young women in the class X and XI …
The main side effects of injections 3 months usage is irregular bleeding and spotting blood (spotting) which lasted for seven days or more, or severe bleeding during the first few months of use of Depo-Provera. Based on preliminary studies in Diwek Village, District Diwek, Jombang on 15 3-month injectable acceptors obtained 5 people experience menstrual disorders such as during menstruation nev…
Many women experience problems due to the difficulty of exclusive breastfeeding breast milk out so rnthat mothers choose to replace it with formula. Breastfeeding pattern is closely related to the return of rnfertility, which can be measured either by the return of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. The rnpurpose of this study was to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding with…
Pada remaja yang sudah mengalami menstruasi, sering mengalami terkait dengan menstruasi. rnDimana remaja akan merasa terganggu bila hidupnya mengalami perubahan, terutama bila rnmenstruasi menjadi lebih lama atau banyak, tidak teratur, lebih sering atau tidak haid sama sekali. rnGangguan menstruasi dipengaruhi oleh gangguan pada fungsi hormon, kelainan sistemik, stres, rnkelenjar gondok, dan h…