Banyaknya kasus kehamilan yang memunculkan gejala kurang gizi pada ibu hamil disebabkan karena perilaku ibu yang salah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi tentang karbohidrat, sayur dan buah yang disarankan oleh tenaga kesehatan, sehingga menyebabkan terganggunya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan janin dan janin yang dilahirkan mengalami BBLR. Ketidakmauan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi selama kehami…
In developing Countries including Indonesia is still a nutritional problem is a major health problem. Since the start of fetal life in the womb. Entering the 7th day of pregnancy, fetal brain cells have started to form and evolve. According to data Jombang Health Office in 2011 showed 10.95% of pregancy getting chronic energy deficiency. The purpose of this study is to know the motivation of mo…
The phenomenon abstain from food is carried out by people of the City and District of Jombang thernpuerperium. The behavior causes lack of nutrition necessary for wound healing and woundrnperinium section caesarean operation. the purpose of this study was to determine the influence ofrnnutrition on wound healing in patients with post-surgical incision section caesarean in Districtrnhospitals ro…
Lack of complementary feeding ation (MP-ASI) which does not meet the balanced nutrition (food rnpotluck) and less frequency would impact the nutritional status of children. Based on preliminary rnstudies conducted on March 25, 2014 in the Village Sky View 7 out of 10 mothers with infants 6-24 rnmonths of age say that they provide food that does not meet the balanced nutrition (food potluck).…
ABSTRAK ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN PADA ANAK DENGUE HEMORRAGIC FEVER GRADE II DENGAN KETIDAKSEIMBANGAN NUTRISI KURANG DARI KEBUTUHAN TUBUH DI RUANG ANAK RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH BANGIL PASURUAN Oleh ː Ririn Widartin Who mencatat Indonesia sebagai negara dengan kasus DHF tertinggi di Asia Tenggara (Kurniasary, 2015). Tujuan studi kasus ini adalah melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan pada anak DHF…