Early initiation of breastfeeding is the nipple search behavior of mother shortly after birth, the first hour is expected to be able to brestfeed their own babies and managed to find the mother. Phenomenon that exists today is the lack of management of early initiation of breastfeeding caused one support from family, especially the husband earned less mothers to early initiation of breastfeedin…
One cause of mortality in newborns is Jaundice is a yellow color that appears on the skin and mucosa due to increased bilirubin. Based on a preliminary study conducted in BPM Lilis Menganto Village District of Mojowarno in 5 pregnant women pregnant women only one who has made the prevention of jaundice in the form of regular ante natal care, of nutrition and breast care in preparation for early…
Ability to socialize is Attainment of maturity in social relation. And it can be defined as the process of learning to adapt to the environment. In 2013 in Indonesia has a population of 200 million, until now not known how exactly the number of patients but estimated the number of children with developmental disorder reached 150-200 thousand people. From the preliminary study of 10 mothers, 3 m…
Baby, in the beginning babys’ life often vomite partially of breas-feeding. Vomit by baby and children is a common phenomena that often found and it is the beginning phenomena from each variety of infectious diseases. Many mothers still have anxiety when their child having vomit, it is because of the mother was afraid of her son vomiting constantly. The results of study before in Balongsari V…
Family Planning program is to control birth now is careless concomitant with the autonomy ofrnsome region. Prolific woman has difficultness in taking option the type of contraception, this isrnnot only limited method that provided but also their motivation to use that contraceptionrnmethod. Motivation of prolific mother is weak caused by sense to use another family planningrnmethod besides pill…
Cervical cancer is the most common malignancy found in Indonesia. Every one hour Indonesian’s woman died because of cancer in the last three decades. The high mortality was due to the delay in treatment, approximately 70% comes with advanced stages of the condition. This study aims to analyze the effect of health education towards motivation in cervical cancer early detection of cervical canc…
ASUHAN KEBIDANAN KOMPREHENSIF PADA NY “R” G1P0A0FISIOLOGIS DI BPM DIAH RESTUNING LAILLIS SST DESA PANDANWANGIrn KECAMATAN PERAKrnrnVeni Oktaviyanti, Ita Ni’matuz Zuhroh, RuliatirnSTIKES INSAN CENDEKIA MEDIKA JOMBANGrnrnrnABSTRAKrnrnKehamilan merupakan proses yang alamiah yang dialamai oleh setiap wanita dalam siklus reproduksi. kehamilan dimulai dari proses konsepsi dan berakhir dengan p…
Persepsi mahasiswa mempengaruhi motivasi belajar mahasiswa dimana rnpersepsi tersebut berasal dari ekstrinsik mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah rnmenganalisa pengaruh persepsi mahasiswa tentang karakter dosen dengan rnmotivasi belajar mahasiswa di prodi D4 bidan pendidik STIKes ICMe Jombang.rnJenis penelitian ini adalah analitik dengan variabel persepsi mahasiswa rntentang karakter dosen …
Rendahnya informasi mengakibatkan rendahnya pengetahuan tentang tanda-tanda bahaya kehamilan serta rendahnya motivasi untuk memeriksakan kehamilannya. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di Puskesmas Tambakrejo dari 6 ibu hamil diperoleh 4 ibu hamil tidak mengerti dan 2 ibu hamil mengerti tentang tanda-tanda bahaya kehamilan dan pentingnya pemeriksaan kehamilan secara teratur. Tujuan penelitian ini …
Pemberian makanan bayi di Indonesia masih banyak yang belum sesuai dengan umurnya, terutama di pedesaan. Masalah-masalah dalam pemberian makanan pendamping ASI dini adalah kurangnya informasi. Disamping itu juga status pekerjaan dan sosial ekonomi keluarga yang mempengaruhi ibu memberikan makanan pendamping ASI terlalu dini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap …