Teens face pre menstrual syndrome with a positive attitude, mostly teenagers aged 14-19 years face menstrual syndrome with negative attitudes and deviant of health such as drinking herbal and anti-pain medication at the time of her breasts cramps and abdominal pain. Based on preliminary studies in 5 MAN Jombang on 10 student interviews daughters Pre Menstrual Syndrome gained experience that is …
Problem that faced is Exclusive Breast-Feeding promotion loses far from milk formula promotion. rnIn order that the important of breast-feeding intake awareness to baby is still low. Many causes rnlack of coverage of exclusive Breast-Feeding, that factors such as mother, that is mother sometime rnfeels stress just like confused situation or complicated mind, scare, and anxiety. This research is…
Many mothers are not willing to immunize their children with the very simple reason, rnnamely, the mother is busy with household affairs, forgot the baby immunization schedule, rnfear of side effects from immunization and maternal accompanied by lack of knowledgernabout immunization. Preliminary studies conducted in work areas of public health centerrnJatiwates …
The low level of knowledge of adolescent teens cause them do not know about the rndisruption of the menstrual cycle so it causes an uncomfortable feeling. In fact, there are rnsome teenagers have irregular menstrual cycles positively do not deviate from health and rnsome teenagers deviate from health, so it causes a negative attitude. From interviews with rn10 young women in the class X and XI …
Lack of coverage achievement of K4 Visitation is caused by less of motivation from mother to check her pregnancy soon. In 2013, K4 Coverage in Jombang as many as 85,06% Sub district in Jombang have the lowest achievement as many as 70,34 that is 479 service of mother pregnancy from total pregnant mother 681 and in Sub district Jombang K4 achievement has the lowest in Village Jombang as many as …
Presentation visit of pure antenatal care (K-1) to health service each year hasrndecreased. This problem is required to get attention so it does not constantly occur. Thernpurpose of this study was to identify the motivation of pregnant women in visiting purernantenatal care (K-1) in Mangunan Village, Kabuh Subdistrict, Jombang Regency, EastrnJava province.rnThis research design used in this st…
The main side effects of injections 3 months usage is irregular bleeding and spotting blood (spotting) which lasted for seven days or more, or severe bleeding during the first few months of use of Depo-Provera. Based on preliminary studies in Diwek Village, District Diwek, Jombang on 15 3-month injectable acceptors obtained 5 people experience menstrual disorders such as during menstruation nev…
Exclusive breast milk is breast feeding without food and beverage company (including juice, honey and sugar water), which commenced from newly born baby until the age 6 months. Based on a study introduction in an interview in the village Kauman district Ngoro Jombang District on the date may 19, 2014 from 3 Mother’s multigravida there are 2 mother multigravida do not want to give Exclusive Br…
The state of infants and undernourishment in toddlers caused by habitual sensorial a feedingrnbreast-fed escort improper.Ignorance about how a feeding infants and children and the adversernhealth, habits directly and indirectly into a major cause of the problems in undernourishedrnchildren.The purpose of this research is to find out the escort breast-fed a feeding on nutritionrntoddler in hamle…
Hospitalization is a urgency or planned condition, that require children to stay in hospital, getting rntherapy and care until comeback home. During the process, the children and parents can rnexperience occurance. According to several researches showed with very traumatic experience and rnfull of anxiety.. anxiety is a worriness, fear of something which will happen connected with rnunknown s…