Anxiety in children can slow the healing process, decreasing of recovered spirit and uncooperative of rnchildren on the maintenance action. The result of preliminary studied om Seruni room of Jombang rnhospital were 28 pre-school children patients experienced fear when nurse came and crying when rndone action and they had no appetite. The effect of hospitalization and anxiety which experien…
Then many children in Indonesian that require health care better then and welfare life thatrnbetter,including can rights ASI Eksklusive this coverage new 30% can cause malnutritionbat baby.rnBased phenomena in the field shows that there is a baby malnutrition because provision ASIrnEksklusive yet maximal. Based result interview there are3 baby old 3th that malnutrition effectrnfrom provision co…
The low exclusive breastfeeding because of lack of knowledge of mothers on exclusive breastfeeding and work commitments were also made to replace Exclusive breastfeeding mothers with infant formula and complementary feeding. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship with the mother's attitude knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding.rnThe design of this study was cross-sectional.…
Being anursein the hospitalis a very heavy job, which required a strong work motivation to achieve optimal rnserviceof patients. To achieve this nurses should avoid factors that affect work motivation, that is stress. Thernpurpose ofthis study to determinerelation of nurse’s stress with nurse’s work motivation. The design method rnused in this study was Cross Sectional. The population w…
Many women experience problems due to the difficulty of exclusive breastfeeding breast milk out so rnthat mothers choose to replace it with formula. Breastfeeding pattern is closely related to the return of rnfertility, which can be measured either by the return of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. The rnpurpose of this study was to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding with…
Early Initiation of Breastfeeding is a program that is issued by WHO / UNICEF in 2007, instead ofrnmothers who breastfeed infants, but infants should actively find their own mother's nipple. In sixrndeveloping countries the risk of death among infants aged 9-12 months increased by 40% if the babyrnis not breastfed. Aims to determine the relationship of attitudes to the role of health workers in…
Post-operatif mobility forAbdominal surgery should be as soon as posible to prevent from rnimmobility complications, imobilized post-operation will occurred because lack of knowledge rnabout post operatif care. Post-operatif teaching needed for change client attitude and adaptable rnduring post operatif period. This study was aimed to identfy post-operatif teching influence toward rnpost-operat…
The role of parents is an important component in the education of children. This requires a rndirect contact that can be realized in the form of parental support on children. Motivation to rnlearn can be stimulated by external factors, such as through parent support and motivation to rngrow within one's self. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between family rnsupport and…
One of the problems occurred nursing care is that nurses’ work motivation is low resulting from rnthe management functions of the head of the room. Management functions of planning, organizing, rndirecting, and monitoring. Based on preliminary studied conducted in Kertosono hospital of total rn54 respondents, from interviews on 10 nurses, 6 nurses staded head room management fuctions rnhad n…
Kehamilan dengan riwayat abortus merupakan kehamilan yang dapat membahayakan rnkondisi janin ibu saat ini karena riwayat tersebut dapat terulang kembali pada kehamilan rnberikutnya.Tujuan dari asuhan kebidanan ini adalah memberikan asuhan kebidanan rnsecara komprehensif sesuai standart pelayanan kebidanan pada ibu hamil, bersalin, nifas, rnbayi baru lahir serta KB pada ny.”H” dengan riwaya…