Puerperal period is the most important period for health officer to do monitoring alwaysrnabout urinary and defecation after childbirth. Based on preliminary study on 27 Marchrn2014 in Tanggungan village, Kecamatan Gudo, Kabupaten Jombang got that 15rnpuerperal mothers get problem when want to do urinary and defecation after childbirth.rnFrom 15 persons above got 9 puerperal mothers feel afraid…
Sexually transmitted disease does not only make ashamed and awkward, but also make serious problems in health such as infertility, chronic syphilis, and AIDS. According to a study on April 8, 2014 in Kabuh village, 8 people have sexually transmitted disease while 2 people do not. The aim of this research is to identify the knowledge and attitude of unemployed mothers about sexually transmitted …
An anxiety is individual condition or group experience worried (assessment orrnopinion) and autonomic nerve activity in responding to the threats that are not obvious orrnnon-specific. Anxiety is a term that is familiar with the daily life that describe the state ofrnworry, anxiety of uncertainty, fear, unrest and sometimes accompanied by physicalrncomplaints. This study aims to determine the m…
The last semester students’ knowledge of thesis was the knowledge that can be reference in thesis rncompilation. Problem of thesis compilation could be a threat so it can make anxiety. From the preliminary rnstudy results on S1 Nursing students’ of STIKES ICME Jombang compiling thesis was obtained 11 students rnhad good knowledge about thesis compilation, 6 enough and 3 less. And 16 studen…
Anxiety in children can slow the healing process, decreasing of recovered spirit and uncooperative of rnchildren on the maintenance action. The result of preliminary studied om Seruni room of Jombang rnhospital were 28 pre-school children patients experienced fear when nurse came and crying when rndone action and they had no appetite. The effect of hospitalization and anxiety which experien…
Adolescence is a transitional period in one's life. Puberty is also a vulnerable time for rnyoung adolescents were given the turmoil as the emergence of a boost curiosity high due rnto frequent associate and integrate with society today. The role of parents, especially the rnmother's role is crucial in the process of finding self-esteem puberty, provide guidancern…
Imunisasi DPT merupakan imunisasi yang digunakan untuk mencegah terjadinya rnpenyakit difteri, pertusis dan tetanus. Kebanyakan anak menderita panas setelah mendapat rnimunisasi DPT, tetapi itu adalah yang wajar, namun seringkali ibu – ibu tegang, cemas, dan rnkhawatir. Selain itu, banyak ibu yang cemas sekali saat timbul bengkak di bekas tempat rnsuntikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untu…
TERAPI SPIRITUAL EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE(SEFT) UNTUK MENGURANGI KECEMASAN PADA LANJUT USIA (Studi Di Panti Sosial Lanjut Usia Kabupaten Jombang) Bayu Herman Syah*,Arif Wijaya**,Maharani*** ABSTRAK Pada masa lanjut usia akan banyak terjadi perubahan-perubahan baik fisik maupun psikis. Pada umumnya masalah psikis yang paling banyak dialami lanjut usia adalah gangguan kecemasan. Kec…