Indonesia is a country that entered the era of elderly structured population (aging structured rnpopulation). The increasing number of elderly will cause problems especially in terms of health rnand prosperous of elderly. To maintain and improve the health of elderly, personal hygiene is one rnof basic factors because individuals with good personal hygiene will have low risk of dis…
Health problem that often occurs in children and is likely to increase each year of acute rnrespiratory tract infections. Environment that is close to the highway, the less maintained home rnhygiene and health behaviors such as unbalanced diet, lack of rest and smoking habits of rnparents in the home can cause respiratory infection in infants. The purpose of this study was to rndetermine the …
Diarrheal disease was one disease that was still a high of occurrence number, rnwhich was a lot of diarrhea suffered by most children. This condition was caused by a rnlack of knowledge about good personal hygiene, the occurrence of diarrhea in Bangkalan rnregency in 2012 was as many as 20.058 and 2013 as many as 38.487. The purpose of this rnstudy was to know personal relationship of hygiene …
PENGARUH PENDIDIKAN KESEHATAN TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN TENTANG PERAWATAN VULVAHYGIENE PADA REMAJArn(Studi di SMPN 6 Arsel, Kel. Baru Kec. Arut SelatanKab. Kotawaringin Barat Prov. Kalimantan Tengah)rnrnLaila Anggraini*Rahaju Ningtyas**Eko Sari Ajiningtyas***rnABSTRAKrnRendahnya pengetahuan tentang vulva hygiene akan mempengaruhi perempuan tidak dapat menjaga organ kewanitaannya. Kurangnya informasi…