ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN PADA ANAK BRONKOPNEUMONIA DENGAN MASALAH KEPERAWATAN HIPERTERMIA DI RUANG SERUNI RSUD JOMBANG Revita Budi Anggaraeni*Arif Wijaya**Nita Arisanti Yulanda*** ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Bronkopneumonia merupakan penyebab tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian pada anak, terutama pada negara negara yang sedang berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Bronkopneumonia adalah penyakit s…
ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN PADA KLIEN SKIZOFRENIA PARANOID DENGAN MASALAH KEPERAWATAN ISOLASI SOSIAL “MENARIK DIRI” DI RUANG FLAMBOYAN RUMAH SAKIT JIWA MENUR SURABAYA. Nur zahrotul Wachidah*Ruliati**Agus Muslim*** ABSTRAK LATAR BELAKANG : Gangguan jiwa yaitu suatu perubahan pada fungsi jiwa yang menyebabkan adanya gangguan pada fungsi jiwa, yang menimbulkan penderitaan pada individu atau h…
Ability to socialize is Attainment of maturity in social relation. And it can be defined as the process of learning to adapt to the environment. In 2013 in Indonesia has a population of 200 million, until now not known how exactly the number of patients but estimated the number of children with developmental disorder reached 150-200 thousand people. From the preliminary study of 10 mothers, 3 m…
Social development of children is influenced by the mother of the child guidance in rnidentifying various aspects of social life. Based on the results of interviews on May 23, rn2014 in the village of Jombang Regency Wonosalam Sub Wonosalam obtained data from rn12 children, 8 children have a mischievous nature, lack of confidence, and difficult to mix rnbecause it did not get attention from old…
Increased public awareness of health, will lead to increased demands for health services. rnCurrently the Indonesian government has made a national policy by issuing a new program that is rnBPJS (Social Security Agency of Health). The increasing demand for quality public health services, rnthe service function needs to be improved to give satisfaction for BPJS patient. The purpose of this rns…