Children as superior generation essentially will not grow and develop by himself. A journey rnmust be passed by children is growth and development. To get develop optimal, children need rnconducive support from their father. Father’s role is a view about attitude and parents rnbehaviour with children to interact also communicate during nurture activity. Because of that rnit is charged for fa…
The low exclusive breastfeeding because of lack of knowledge of mothers on exclusive breastfeeding and work commitments were also made to replace Exclusive breastfeeding mothers with infant formula and complementary feeding. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship with the mother's attitude knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding.rnThe design of this study was cross-sectional.…
HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DENGAN MINAT IBU NIFAS TENTANG POSTNATAL MASSAGE (Di Puskesmas Jelakombo, Kecamatan Jombang, Kabupaten Jombang) Estu Surya Waria Ditama, Pastria Sandra Dewi, SST., M.Kes., Dovi Dwi M, SST.,M.PH STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang ABSTRAK Postnatal Massage merupakan metode relaksasi yang baru bagi ibu nifas, sehingga banyak ibu nifas yang masih belum mengenal is…
berdasarkan hasil Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga tahun 2007rnmenunjukkan prevalensi penyakit hipertensi mencapai 0,37% atau 83 per 1000 anggotarnrumah tangga. Sekitar 0,15% dari jumlah tersebut di derita oleh lansia. Pada lansia yangrnmenderita hipertensi memerlukan suatu dukungan sosial yang tepat, karena dukungan keluargarnsangat berperan dalam mendorong minat atau kesediaan lansia untuk mengi…
Less knowledge of health reproductive provide opportunied to did behavior premarital seksual. Itrncan protect by UKS provided health education reproductive it. Purpose this was know correlationrnhealth education adolescent reproductive (KRR) in effort health school toward behaviorrnpremarital sexual it, in study five junior high school country district Jombang.rnResearch uses approach Analitic …
Diarrhea is one of the major health problems for children under the age of 5 years worldwide.rnThe incidence of diarrhea in Indonesia in 2013 about 60 million events, the majority (70-80%) ofrnthese patients were Children under Five Years (CHILDREN), the majority of patients (1 to 2%)rnwill become dehydrated. Prevention of diarrhea is still less attention, less parents maintainrnhygiene and cle…
Child's social interaction was linked by the role of parents. Each world parent rnresponsible forthe child's success in social interaction both in the lives of children with the rnthem eas well as interacting with the community at large. Too vercome this, the parents rnshould train their children in order to interact with their peers and as atransmitter control rnfunctions as well asa remind…
One of the physical problems experienced in adolescence is acne vulgaris. Adolescents who experiencernacne problems often have problems related to self-image and their self-confidence. The purpose of thisrnstudy was to determine the corelation acne vulgaris with self-image and self-confidence femalernyoungsters in MAN Rengel.rnThis study used Analytic survey. The population in this study was th…
Teens trying to find her identity and confronted with circumstances that are not easily, because rnadolescence is a period of transition from childhood into adulthood. Adolescents begin to learn to rnsocialize with people to able to achieve self -actualization good. One of the factors that influence rnthe self-concept of self-actualization is owned by teenagers. The purpose of this study was t…
Stroke has become an enormous and serious health problem. At nerve policlinic general hospital rnJombang in Januari there are 4716 patients in 2014. Stroke is causing disability patiens to take care rnof themselves and do their own activity daily of living. This problem is cause of knowledge deficit and rnlack of patient’s role active in course of healing. The aims of research is indentifyin…