Patients with type 2 diabetic mellitus will experience physical and psychology disorders because they have to adjust to change in diet, medication, routin control in living their daily lives. These change twilite adaptability patients type 2 diabetic mellitus. Spiritual support can improve peoples ability to cope with the suffering. The purpose of know this study correlation support the spiritu…
Growth of optimal school age children depends on nutrition provision with good and true quality rnand quantity. Food and snacks that did not meet the requirements of health and nutrition would rnthreaten the health of children. Empowerment minister said that about 6.7 million school age rnchildren or 27.3% of all school age children in Indonesia suffered from malnutrition. The purpose rnof this…
The highrates of cancer/breast tumorsin women or teenagers, it is now necessary that early detection can rnbedone independently. Many Adolescent girlsand women did not do self breast check because they did not rnknow yet or understand how to do self breast check correctly. The purpose study aims to know relation rnbetween knowledge with adolescent girl’s behavior in performing self b…
Dental caries caused of any leftovers that are left on the teeth, which finally causesrncalcification of teeth. Teeth so rotten and ultimately hollow or break. Children whose dental rncaries will lose power of chewable, so disturbed digestive. The purpose of this study was to rndetermine the relationship between motivation mother about dental care with dental caries r…
Diarrheal disease was one disease that was still a high of occurrence number, rnwhich was a lot of diarrhea suffered by most children. This condition was caused by a rnlack of knowledge about good personal hygiene, the occurrence of diarrhea in Bangkalan rnregency in 2012 was as many as 20.058 and 2013 as many as 38.487. The purpose of this rnstudy was to know personal relationship of hygiene …
The providing child needs foster care,compasssion,and sharpening will make them become rnmature resource potential.Conversely,the wrong treatment given to children will hamper rndevelopment of the child.The attitude of the parents toward the child affects the child’s rnbehavior,because the attitude of the parents role in child development.This study aims to rndetermine the correlation of pa…
Learning Competency Based Curriculum requires that the learning process should be student rncentered learning. The learning process should provide an opportunity and a larger space for rnstudents to explore, to experience, discover, and also test their own comprehension by asking rnand constantly questioning what is learned. Learning Competency Based Curriculum models rnthat is : Small Group D…
Many women experience problems due to the difficulty of exclusive breastfeeding breast milk out so rnthat mothers choose to replace it with formula. Breastfeeding pattern is closely related to the return of rnfertility, which can be measured either by the return of the menstrual cycle after childbirth. The rnpurpose of this study was to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding with…
Snack food has been the part that can’t be separated from the life of community, especially to rnelementary school and consuming snack food has been common habit, but the children that rnhas less knowledge about this snack food can impact to attitude and their habit in consuming rnsnack food. This research is to know the relation the knowledge 4-6 grade with consuming rnsnack food attitude in…