Lack of complementary feeding ation (MP-ASI) which does not meet the balanced nutrition (food rnpotluck) and less frequency would impact the nutritional status of children. Based on preliminary rnstudies conducted on March 25, 2014 in the Village Sky View 7 out of 10 mothers with infants 6-24 rnmonths of age say that they provide food that does not meet the balanced nutrition (food potluck).…
The action to decrease risk of ISPA disease obviously is done to environment and basic rnsocial problem that create condition supporting disease. The in toddlers’ health nutrition rnin taking care toddlers’ body should be the first. This study aims to explain correlation of rnparents’ behavior in preventing ISPA disease with the accident of ISPA to toddlers. rnDesign used was morbidity s…
Elderly will experience physical changes which bones become brittle, thin, brittle and easily rnbroken as a result of reduced bone mass and age. The number of elderly sub-district health rncenters Jatiwates Tembelang Jombang were 240 elderly. The results of a preliminary study of 5 rnApril 2013 on the 12 known as (4 elderly) 33.3% know about osteoporosis or bone loss, …
Revolusion of unhealthy people's life styles that cause many people get stroke, so it needs for an rnincreased understanding of the prevention of stroke. Results ofpreliminary studies5out of 10 rnpeople say they know how to prevent stroke, and 5 out of 10 people sayt hey do not know how tornpreventa stroke. The purpose of this study was to know the relationship of t…
The increasing of dengue hemorrhagic fever cases always increase on the number of sufferers each rnyear and wide distribution primarily affects children. The families attitude in the eradication of Aedes rnaegypti nest has not materialized optimally. Based on preliminary studied on June 3rnrdrn2014 with rnquestionnaire on families in the hamlet of Ngepung village of Selorejo Dis…
Many parents don’t know or not sure kind of toys that must be bought to their child, sornunsure feeling and doubt about that, making many parents spend lot of money to buy rightrntoys. (DDTK) in Jombang region as many as 1.028 babies under five years. The researchrnpurpose is to know the attitude of the parents about choosing educative toys in pre-schoolrnage 3-4 years old in school age 3-4 y…
Plumonary tuberculosis is a disease that has long been known and is still being a leading cause of rndeath in the world. In Indonesian Tuberculosis is still a scourge for the country including endemic rnarea. Transmission of this disease through the intercession of saliva or sputum of patients with rnpulmonary tuberculosis bacilli contain. The purpose of this study was to identify…
ABSTRAK Kehamilan primigravida akan terjadi perubahan fisik dan psikologis. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan ibu primigravida mengalami keluhan yang komplek salah satunya kecemasan. Salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi kecemasan tersebut adalah hypnobirthing. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan tanggal 01 April 2017 secara wawancara kepada 6 ibu primigravida yang berkunjung di Puskesmas Kabuh, didapatkan…
Pasien pre operasi pada dasarnya mengalami kecemasan sebelum tindakan , dimana pasien perlu rndiberikan relaksasi, dimana relaksasi dapat berpengaruh untuk pasien pre operasi yang berguna untuk rnmenurunkan tingkat kecemasan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh teknik rnrelaksasi guided imagery terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien pre operasi di ruang rnMaw…
Karies gigi merupakan masalah kesehatan pada anak yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus sebab rnpada pada usia ini anak sedang menjalani proses tumbuh kembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk rnmenganalisis pengaruh penyuluhan kesehatan gigi dan mulut terhadap motivasi anak dalam rnmencegah karies gigi di TK Al Choiriyah, Kecamatan Diwek, Kabupaten Jombang.rnDesain penelitian yang digunakan adal…