Neonatal period is a critis period in fase growth and development of infants. Neonatus rnvisited (ages 1-28 days) to get health care according with a standart from doctor, rnmidwife, and nurse who has a health clinic competence. Mother confidece that infants is rncan’t go from house until 3 months of ages has effect in coverage of completed neonatus rnvisited. Data from health departement of …
Bathing a newborn can be done by their own mothers but most mothers would not dare to bathe her baby alone. Based on preliminary studies in the Village Gunungsari Baureno District of Bojonegoro. Retrieved 9 mothers of newborns and only 3 women who want to bathe the baby's own mother asked 6 midwife, parent or midwife. Lack of motivation in bathing the baby's mother was affected by the lack of k…
Maternal Mortality Rate is one of the important indicators of society health degree. The most frequent complication of postpartum hemorrhage was anemia. It is important to do check for anemia in pregnancy first visit. Checking and monitoring of pregnant mother with anemia were performed at least 2 times during pregnancy, that was trimester I and III. This study aimed to identify pregnant’s mo…
Program Planning and Delivery Complications prevention (P4K) is one of the programs to support standby village. However, based on this fact stikerisasi P4K is still not used or installed as any expectant mother in a home. This study aimed to motivate pregnant women about the mouting sticker P4K. The study design is descriptive, population of all pregnant women in the work area Kabuh health cent…
Early mobilisation is very important and must be done by post partum mother ofter take rest for a while ofter labor. Motivation in doing early mobilisation is one of examine which must be done ofter give birth few a hour later. This research has aim for knowing the relation mother motivation with doing early mobilisation post partum in RSUD Ploso Kecamatan Ploso Kabupaten Jombang. The kind of t…
Motivation is karateristik of psychology human being giving contribution at this storey komitmen some one. Matter inclusive of factors causing, channelling and maintaining behaviour of human being in certain intention direction. From result of antecedent study done in BPM Anis Sa'Adah Amd . Keb there are 10 people of mother child bed and 3 mother child bed tell to take care of the string center…
Pengetahuan ibu kurang disebabkan oleh kurangnya informasi mengenai imunisasi influenza ini disebabkan karena kurang aktifnya ibu terhadap pelayanan informasi posyandu mengenai macam-macam imunisasi dasar lengkap, serta imunisasi tambahan seperti halnya imunisasi influenza.Apabila banyak ibu yang tidak melakukan atau mengikuti imunisasi influenza ini berakibat pada penyebaran virus influenza ya…
Ibu dengan persalinan normal akan mencari posisi yang nyaman pada saat kala I. Tidak ada satu pun posisi yang optimal untuk semua situasi atau satu posisi selama berjam-jam. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan secara wawancara dari 14 ibu bersalin secara normal, kebanyakan ibu melakukan posisi miring atau posisi setengah duduk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi ibu bersalin kala…
Stimulasi merupakan bagian dari kebutuhan dasar anak yang dapat dilakukan salah satunya melalui alat permainan edukatif (APE). Namun masih banyak orang tua membeli permainan tanpa mempedulikan jenis dan kegunaan yang mampu mengembangkan berbagai aspek perkembangan anak. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui motivasi ibu dalam pemberian stimulasi melalui alat permainan edukatif pada anak usia todd…
Asuhan antenatal awal ANC (K1) penting untuk menentukan hasil kehamilan yang baik. Oleh sebab itu ANC (K1) penting untuk ibu hamil karena sebagai deteksi dini pada ibu hamil. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan secara wawancara di desa karagpakis Kecamatan Kabuh Kabupaten Jombang pada tanggal 6 Mei 2014 dari 4 ibu hamil 2 ibu primigravida melakukan ANC (K1) dan 2 ibu hamil multigravida tidak melakuka…