Penyakit Diare hingga kini masih merupakan salah satu penyakit utama pada bayi dan anak di Indonesia. Diperkirakan angka kesakitan berkisar di antara 150-430 perseribu penduduk setahunnya. Berdasarkan hasil study pendahuluan yang dilakukan pada tgl 05 Juni 2014 dengan metode wawancara di wilayah bareng dari 10 ibu yang mempunyai balita yang pernah menderita diare, 4 diantaranya menjawab benar d…
Every mothers who experienced pregnancy there must be a change in attitude, decides to get pregnant when husband and wife have to be really prepared with all the changes that will occur physical changes in either the mother or attitude. Maternal attitude change caused by psychological vulnerability of each person different. Preparation of physical, mental, and material necessary and mutually su…
Ibu hamil merupakan seorang wanita yang membawa fetus atau embrio di dalam tubuhnya. Sedangkan motivasi adalah kecenderungan yang timbul pada diri seseorang secara sadar maupun tidak sadar untuk melakukan tindakan. Pada awal kehamilan, para ibu hamil wajib mengikuti tes voluntary counseling and testing (VCT). Namun kenyataannya di Desa Bandung ini, dari 62 ibu hamil hanya 28 ibu hamil yang suda…
Disminorhe or menstrual pain that is a symptom and not a disease arising from contraction disritmik miomentrium, attitude of today's youth do not care about the pain so they regard the menstrual pain during menstruation was a common thing. not the least of teens when experiencing menstrual pain is very disturbing concentration at school or while studying, Based on preliminary studies conducted …
The frequency and duration of breastfeeding in postpartum women can also affect the baby because the baby could be malnutrition, and infant breast milk intake is reduced. Based on preliminary studies in sub-district health centers Tembelang Jatiwates Jombang 14 - 16 April 2014 in an interview at 8 postpartum women earned 5 postpartum mothers breastfeeding when the baby cries, the mother only in…
Family Planning program is to control birth now is careless concomitant with the autonomy ofrnsome region. Prolific woman has difficultness in taking option the type of contraception, this isrnnot only limited method that provided but also their motivation to use that contraceptionrnmethod. Motivation of prolific mother is weak caused by sense to use another family planningrnmethod besides pill…
Puerperium is a period that begins after the placenta came out and ends when the womb tools returned to pre-pregnant. The big problem for puerperal women was a nutritional problem. This was due to the avoidance of some food. Based on preliminary study that researcher did to eight respondents in Mentaos Village Gudo District Jombang Regency was only two respondents who had a good diet. The purpo…
Gymnastics is pregnant is a new air of Indonesia's population. But there are still many pregnant women have not been able to apply for maternity, due to their lack of gymnastics absorb information and knowledge about gymnastics is pregnant, as well as the experience of doing gymnastics pregnant which is still lacking. This research purpose to analyze the influence of the extension to knowledge …
Cervical cancer is the most common malignancy found in Indonesia. Every one hour Indonesian’s woman died because of cancer in the last three decades. The high mortality was due to the delay in treatment, approximately 70% comes with advanced stages of the condition. This study aims to analyze the effect of health education towards motivation in cervical cancer early detection of cervical canc…