Pregnancy check up routine can be known early if there mother that included to high risk category or complication or needs referral healthy service. But phenomena of mothers, they check their pregnancy if there complains that they feel during pregnancy. Result of study before is done to 5 pregnant through interviewing, there 3 pregnant that feels worried if their pregnancy include to high risk …
Childbed mother erudition undercommunication in watch over cleanliness genetalia can causes infection in childbed time. From foreword study that done by researcher 18 aprils 2014 from interview result from 10 childbed mothers there 6 childbed mothers that experience wound perineum. Found 2 wounded childbed mothers perineum doesn't recover more than 2 weeks because doesn't watch over cleanlines…
If the pattern less food as well as nutrients that are consumed are not balanced, then the need for BREAST MILK for infants are not met and the production of Breast Milk decreases. Based on preliminary studies on March 23, 2014 from 10 mother parturition obtained 4 parturition mother who knew about the reduced production of Breast Milk and 6 person how can mothers do not know about the lack of …
Maternal healtheffortsembodied inthe provision ofantenatal careat leastfourtimesduring pregnancy. in fact the coverageis stilllowK-4, K-4 low coveragedue partly topregnant womenwhodo notperformregularantenatalvisitstoK-4. This is causedbyfactorsparity, age, maternal education, the economy and support the husbnd.rnThe method usedisdescriptive. The entirepopulation ofpregnant womenin thethirdTMPo…
Sexually transmitted disease does not only make ashamed and awkward, but also make serious problems in health such as infertility, chronic syphilis, and AIDS. According to a study on April 8, 2014 in Kabuh village, 8 people have sexually transmitted disease while 2 people do not. The aim of this research is to identify the knowledge and attitude of unemployed mothers about sexually transmitted …
Masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari masa anak-anak ke masa dewasa yang rentan dengan penyimpangan perilaku seksual salah satunya adalah perilaku homoseksual. Perilaku ini muncul secara bertahap. Semakin banyaknya remaja yang mempunyai perilaku homoseksual menimbulkan adanya dampak negatif. Menurut Dinkes tahun 2012 kasus HIV/AIDS di Jawa Timur 4,14% ditularkan oleh kaum homoseksual. Tujua…
Pregnant women with anemia is mostly caused by the iron deficiency (Fe) as well as folic acid and vitamin B12. It is important to do checks for anemia in first visit pregnancy because of iron supplementation urge to be applied. However, many pregnant women who are anemic has not yet fully understand the benefits of iron supplementation (Fe) that impact on maternal behavior in the initial treatm…
Maternal mortality rates mostly caused due to various diseases that accompany thernpregnancy, which one of them is preeclampsia. Preeclampsia be the dominant factor rncausing maternal mortality rate. Based on preliminary studies on 28 April 2014 inrnKedungpapar Village Sumobito Sub District.Through interviews resulting in 10rnmothers’s, 2 mothers’s know the symptoms of preeclampsia …
Sampai saat ini selain pengetahuan masyarakat luas yang masih sangat rendah terhadap adanya imunisasi HPV, di sisi lain pengetahuan para tenaga kesehatan yang ada juga masih kurang mengenai imunisasi HPV secara detailnya. Hal ini dikarenakan belum dilakukannya sosialisasi pemerintah secara maksimal baik kepada masyarakat maupun tenaga kesehatan secara menyeluruh. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk men…