Tablet zat besi (FE) adalah suatu tablet mineral yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk membentuk sel darah merah (hemoglobin) dan penting untuk pertumbuhan dan metabolisme, juga meminimalkan peluang terjadinya anemia. Sedangkan masih banyak dijumpai ibu hamil yang masih malas mengonsumsi tablet Fe dengan alasan mual. Dampak dari anemia pada ibu hamil dapat mengakibatkan kematian janin di dalam kandunga…
ABSTRACTrnLearning achievement is influenced by internal and external factors. Environment is one of the external factors that will determine the success and failure of students in learning. School is a formal educational institution that is very close to the students’ activities based on the fun ways of teaching, the curriculum, the close relation between lecturer and students, the fulfilled…
Neonatal period is a critis period in fase growth and development of infants. Neonatus rnvisited (ages 1-28 days) to get health care according with a standart from doctor, rnmidwife, and nurse who has a health clinic competence. Mother confidece that infants is rncan’t go from house until 3 months of ages has effect in coverage of completed neonatus rnvisited. Data from health departement of …
Masih banyaknya ibu yang beranggapan bahwa kehamilan tidak memerlukan pemeriksaan dan perawatan, serta tanpa mereka sadari bahwa ibu hamil termasuk kelompok risiko tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan tanggal 14 Maret 2015 bahwa Ibu hamil 8 menyatakan tidak mengetahui tentang kehamilan risiko tinggi dan dampak yang akan terjadi dari risiko tersebut. Begitu juga dengan sikap ibu 5 berangg…
sex was the modern life style. Based on preliminary studies with an interview on 10 eleven high rnschool student, 7 have positif perception and 3 have negatif perception. This research purposed was rnto identify the teenager’s of free sex at the high school PGRI 1 Jombang.rnThe research design used descriptive design, the sample taken by total sampling thesique. rnThe population were all …
Indonesia is one country in the world that is experiencing an increase in contraceptive IUD rndiscontinuation. This is due to several factors, among which, the negative perception of the husband rnon the wife who use the IUD. Based on preliminary studies in the region of Jelakombo health rncenters in 5 couples IUD acceptors obtained 1 pair in positive perception while 4 pairs negative rnpe…
Obesity is one of problems that feared by teen, especially female teen. To teen, obesity becomes big problem, because for good performance often means having slim and proportional body (Mu’tadin, 2002). Teen will feel lost of confident when having not proportional body shape like having much crease in stomach, waist nor arms. This research has a purpose to analyze relation of obesity of teen …
The prevalence of obesity in infants increased faster. The similar increase accured also in adulthood in all the countries, it indicated that there was a possibility of the impact of social and environmental factors. Infant6s with obesity will have a high risk for kardio vaskuler and diabetes mellitus type 2 disease in the future. From the result of health agency were obtained fat data as many …
Tindakan memelihara kebersihan dan kesehatan organ genetalia eksternal sangat penting bagi wanita. Akan tetapi masih banyak remaja puteri yang bersikap negatif terhadap pelaksanaannya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap sikap remaja puteri dalam pelaksanaan vulva higyene di SMPN 02 Tulungagung.rn Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Pre Eksperimental…