Kekurangan energi kronik (KEK) pada ibu hamil merupakan kekurangan gizi pada ibu hamil yang berlangsung lama (beberapa bulan atau tahun). Dengan hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilaksanakan tanggal 21 Mei 2014 di Desa Pundong Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang didapatkan hasil survey bahwa dari 3 suami yang mengatakan setuju bahwa suami akan memperhatikan masalah gizi pada ibu hamil ada 2 suami men…
Despite of ANC service coverage was high, only half of women globally who received ANC service at least 4 times as recommended by WHO. Based on preliminary study conducted on 10 Primigravida mother with interview was oobtained 4 pregnant women said routinely check their pregnancy in accordance with the date set by midwife, 6 pregnant women said not want to check their pregnancy due to their pr…
Knowing the acceptors motivation for replacing KB injection with long-term contraception method (LTM).rnThis study was conducted on 23-24 june 2014 at BPM Ny. Sri Hardi Rahayu, Amd.Keb Sumobito Village District of Sumobito Kab. Jombang by using design deskriptif that is design aims to describe (explain) events that occurred in the present, the research instrument using a questionnaire whose pop…
Health care satisfaction at present still can no be got by pregnant women. This is showedrnthat’s 60% pregnant women’s complaints are from reliability dimensions (capabilty in givingrnservice that’s promised as soon as and accurately). That conditions require health workersrnespecially midwife as implementer of midwifery service must be able to concentrate her selfrnin giving satisfaction…
MEINGGA DWI GESNAWATIrn Peran suami dalam melakukan perawatan kehamilan sangat penting dalam mendeteksi dini resiko tinggi kehamilan. Peran suami dapat dilihat dari mengantarkan ibu dalam melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan, memilih tempat dan tenaga kesehatan dalam melakukan antenatal care. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kabuh pada Tanggal 8 Mei 2014 jam 10.30 WIB …
Most parents often underestimate cleanliness mouth infants after feeding, usually remaining milk is less reck to dry up.Whereas if have equal in surface of the tongue and the lips the baby will be prompting the occurrence of oral trush.Nevertheless oral trush preventable by means before the putting suckle milk sanitized first and cleanse the mouth infants after feeding.This research purposes to…
Use of Contraceptive Methods MOW is considered more effective and more stable than other rncontraceptives. But most women do not use contraception MOW. This is because the lack of rninformation and knowledge about the MOW (Women Operative Methods). Based on preliminary rnstudies in an interview in the Village District of Jogoroto Sukosari Jombang March 22, 2014 from rn6 10 respondents obtained …
Beginning for early breastfeeding will reduce 22% of baby’s death aged under 28 day. rnBassed on petition that send by (AIMI) association of Indonesia breatfeeding mother to rnpresident of indonsia , said lack of support family and husband making mother often doesn’t rnhave spirit to breastfeeding her baby,. The purpose or this research to husband’s attitude rnabout (IMD) early breastfeed…
Lack of public knowledge about the importance of visits Neonates I (KN1) will not allow people to behave well with no baby visits. While babies up to the age of one month (0-28) is the most vulnerable age group or have a high risk of health problem. In almost all regions of Indonesia have neonates visit coverage is still very low, especially in North Sulawesi is 63.55%. Based on preliminary stu…
Implant is a contraception contains of levonorgetrel that wrapped by capsule of silastic silicon polidymetri that put under the skin. According to kinds of contraceptions, number of PUS in Kabupaten Jombang in 2013 reach 253.484. New user of KB implant are 2.591 users and user of active KB implant are 16.322 users. Based on preliminary study in Kedungbetik village, Kecamatan Kesamben, Kabupate…