Paru-paru suatu organ yang sangat penting untuk mencapai pemenuhan oksigen bagi rntubuh kita. Banyak penyakit-penyakit yang bisa menyerang paru-paru seperti salah satu rncontohnya yaitu Efusi pleura. Efusi pleura merupakan suatu keadaan dimana terdapat rnpenumpukan cairan dalam pleura berupa transudat atau eksudat yang diakibatkan rnterjadinya ketidakseimbangan anta…
Fraktur merupakan terputusnya kontinuitas tulang, retak/ patahnya tulang yang utuh, yangrnbiasanya disebabkan oleh trauma/ rudapaksa atau tenaga fisik yang ditentukan jenis danrnluasnya trauma.rnTujuan dari asuhan keperawatan ini adalah Mampu melaksanakan Asuhan Keperawatanrnpada Sdr “E” secara menyeluruh dengan nyeri akut pada closed fraktur shaft femurrndextra 1/3 proksimal diruang asoka …
Asma hingga saat ini masih tercacat sebagai masalah kesehatan utama di negararnberkembang. Asma merupakan suatu proses peradangan dimana terdapat konsolidasirnyang disebabkan pengisian rongga alveoli oleh eksudat. Tujuan dalam laporan kasus inirnadalah memberikan asuhan keperawatan bersihan jalan napas tidak efektif pada Ny “S”rndengan Asma.rnMetode pengumpulan data pada laporan kasus ini m…
Perilaku keluarga dalam menjaga kebersihan cuci tangan masih jauh dari harapan, sebab masih banyak keluarga yang tidak mengerti pentingnya cuci tangan. Dampak dari tidak cuci tangan ini sebenarnya sangat banyak seperti dampak pada kesehatan, dan bagi orang lain. Tujuan dari penelitan ini adalah mengetahui perilaku keluarga dalam menjaga kebersihan cuci tangan di Dusun Kedungpring Desa Bareng Ke…
Miliaria is a skin deviation due to the sweat glands closed that caused sweat retention. Based the rnresearch by World Health Organization (WHO) predicted about 80% miliaria patient by the world, rn65% of them are babies. The numbers of Miliaria patient in Indonesia is about 40% because rnlocated in the tropics area that has very high air humidity. The symptoms of Miliaria are marked rnitch red…
The state of infants and undernourishment in toddlers caused by habitual sensorial a feedingrnbreast-fed escort improper.Ignorance about how a feeding infants and children and the adversernhealth, habits directly and indirectly into a major cause of the problems in undernourishedrnchildren.The purpose of this research is to find out the escort breast-fed a feeding on nutritionrntoddler in hamle…
Impact that occurs when prolonged sleep deprivation lowers the body’s resistance to infection and increase levels of cortisol in the blood so prone raises stress. Based on the result of preliminary studies in the UPT done in the Department of Social Services Elderly Jombang there is a population of 70 elderly people with an age limit of 60-90 years and there were 10 respondents, who experienc…
Common public health problem in developing countries and developed countries such asrnbehavioral changes in modern lifestyle, smoke, drink alcohol, unbalanced eating habits and lack ofrnactivity can lead to increased incidence of hypertension. Some conditions that cause blood pressurernsuch as heredity, excessive salt intake, obesity (obesity), smoking, drinking alcohol, andrnconstipation.rnThi…
The current day, Sexual harassment is increasing. Ironic again, the victim is under age children. rnFrom source information, KOMNAS PA says that East Java is on the second place with number rn24.55 cases. Massive effect of the sexual harassment case to pre-school children cause medium rnanxiety to mother. Purpose of this research is to know the anxiety of mother about the massive case rnof sexu…
Contraceptives needed to delay or regulate pregnancy, is usually selected EFA containing hormonalrnsuch as: Pills, injections, implants compared with that do not contain such hormonal IUD, tubal rnligation and MOP. Based on interviews in the village Sukiber of 10 respondents obtained 8 EFArn(80%) did not want to use an IUD contraception due to the fear of using c…