Husband character will be more determine to how mother brave have a certain attitude to determine what mother will give exclusive breast feeding or give food or other drink except breast feeding for their baby. The purpose for this research to know husband interest in support giving exclusive breast feeding at kademangan village mojoagung sub district jombang regency.rnThe design of research is…
The lack of knowledge of adolescents about sex and reproductive health and adolescent attitudes that tend to have sexual relations outside of marriage which leads to unwanted pregnancies. Based on preliminary studies in vocational Pancasila District of Mojowarno on 15 female students obtained 7 people know about unwanted pregnancy, 5 people to know most about unwanted pregnancy and 3 people do …
Wash your hands do not become cultural community at large in Indonesia. One important effort in order realize ideal family is the family health education planting starts from simple matter of washing hands properly. Based on preliminary studies conducted on Thursday March 13, 2013 in the Godong Hamlet Genukwatu village Ngoro District Jombang Regency of obtained from 10 mother 3 mother has been …
The result of learning is student achievement in a particular field of study using standardized tests as a means of measuring the success of one's learning. The results of preliminary observations on student achievement SMPN1 Mojowarno class VIII, shows that student achievement remains largely below the minimum completeness criteria, so it can be called that student achievement is low. Of the f…
The prevalence of smokers in Indonesia among adolescents ages 15 years through 19 years ofrn(37.3%). Based on preliminary studies in a manner interviewed on March 18, 2014 at SMK BaktirnDwija 2, District Jombang, Regency Jombang on the ten young men, all students in class tenrnobtained never smoked cigarettes. The purpose of this study was to identify the attitude of youngrnpeople in efforts to…
Less of vitamin A (KVA) is biggest problem in the world especially for thrive country and able to happen to all person especially at growth period, lack of less vitamin is there a problem to eyes that generally happen to child at age 6month – 4month. From data of PUSKESMAS Kabuh, giving vitamin A in Manduro Village Kabuh Sub-district Jombang Regency 42% based on study before in in Manduro Vil…
The incidenceof asphyxiain newbornsin hospitalsin 2013as many as270infantsfrom926infants, the causes ofpre-eclampsia 40%, AntepartumBleeding(APB) 20%, 15% andprolonged labor. This studyaims todetermine what factorsarecausingasphyxiain newbornsinhospitalsOrchidRoomJombangJanuary toMay 2014. rnThisisa retrospectivedescriptivestudy. The population inthis study were allmotherswhogave birth toa baby…
Wanita yang melahirkan dapat menjadi episode yang dramatis dan traumatis yang sangat menentukan kehidupannya, ibu yang mengalami perasaan sedih dan takut akan mempengaruhi emosional dan sensitivitas ibu pada pasca melahirkan. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di Ruang Melati RSUD Jombang pada tanggal 4 April 2014 dengan cara wawancara pada 8 ibu nifas di dapatkan 6 ibu ¬nifas menyatakan bahwa ibu …
Masa neonatus merupakan bayi baru lahir usia 0- 4 minggu setelah lahir. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di Bidan Praktek Mandiri (BPM) “Y” Desa Tanggungan Kecamatan Gudo wilayah kerja Puskesmas Plumbon Gambang pada hari senin tanggal 24 Maret 2014 terdapat 10 ibu nifas, dari 10 ibu nifas terdapat 5 ibu nifas yang bisa memandikan bayinya dengan benar, 3 ibu nifas yang belum benar dan 2 ibu nif…